Ways with Words MCQs


Admin • 32.61K Points
Instructor I

Q 21. Why do the bees “ think warm days will never cease”.

(A) bees are tired
(B) bees are hungry
(C) the flowers are blooming even in autumn
(D) All of the above


Admin • 32.61K Points
Instructor I

Q 22. One of the common themes found in Keats’ poems are

(A) art versus life
(B) innocence versus experience
(C) God versus Man
(D) the flowers smell sweet


Admin • 32.61K Points
Instructor I

Q 23. Keats belong to the ___________period in English Literature.

(A) romantic
(B) modern
(C) Victorian
(D) comedy versus tragedy


Vinay • 24.32K Points
Instructor III

Q 24. John Keats was an ______________ before he turned to writing.

(A) teacher
(B) soldier
(C) pardoner
(D) Shakespearean


Ranjeet • 30.27K Points
Instructor I

Q 25. Who is Mr.Hadley?

(A) the European teacher
(B) neighbour
(C) uncle
(D) apothecary


Praveen Singh • 32.12K Points
Instructor I

Q 26. What were some of the posh lunches children used to carry?

(A) apple sauce and cream pudding
(B) holey fruits
(C) sandwiches cut in triangle and yellow bananas
(D) relative.


Ranjeet • 30.27K Points
Instructor I

Q 27. The only accident that Mum’s car met was

(A) she hit a tree
(B) the car got into the shop
(C) Uncle Peta was knocked down when shew threw a mutton side.
(D) potatoes and white bread


Vinay • 24.32K Points
Instructor III

Q 28. Dad won a lottery of ________

(A) ten thousand dollar
(B) fifty thousand dollars
(C) ten pounds
(D) shopping items used to fell off from the car.


Ram Sharma • 193.65K Points

Q 29. Mum’s new car was a _________

(A) Packard
(B) Chevrolet
(C) Buick
(D) ten thousand pounds


Rakesh Kumar • 24.11K Points
Instructor III

Q 30. What was the peculiarity of Mum’s Car?

(A) It had no brake
(B) It had no top
(C) It was a convertible once
(D) De soto

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