Q. The first Diary Cooperative Society was registered in 1913 at …………..
Correct Answer - Option(B)
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Q. The cooperative insurance, was started by the establishment of the …………. In Toad Lane in 1867 in England.
Q. ……………. was against all religions whereas ………….. openly advocated that cooperation must be based on Christianity.
Q. …………..and………………. were the two great personalities who broke the vicious circle of depression in Italy and took the country out of poverty and destitution.
Q. The I.C.A appointed a Commission in ………………….. to ascertain how far the principles of the Rochdale as defined by I.C.A in 1937 are observed today and the reasons for any non-observance.
Q. Expand ICA
Q. SCBs stand for
Q. The Sivaraman Committee was constituted in the …………..five year plan and it recommended the establishment of NABARD.
Q. For the second reformulation of Principles of Co-operative Sector, The International Co-operative Alliance appointed a sub-committee in ……………
Q. Moshavim and Kibbutzim are one and the same
Q. The main office of Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific of ICA is at……………
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