Ssc test series 35
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Antonyms for the given word - ‘Courteous’
Choose the error part - One should be particular (a)/ when he is (b)/ crossing a busy lane. (c)/ No error (d)
Choose the error part - The rice from Dehradun is (a)/ more superior (b)/ to that Saharanpur. (c)/ No error (d)
Choose the one word substitute. One who fights for the sake of money.
Idiom phrases - under the weather
Choose the correct spelt word.
Choose the wrongly spelt word.
Idiom phrases - Bury the hatchet
Antonym of - Grisly
Choose the missing term / number / word from the given alternative 5, 8, 14, 26, 50, ………
Choose the missing term / number / word from the given alternative MP, TW, AD, HK, ?
If ‘+’ means ‘–’, ‘÷’ means ‘×’, ‘×’ means ‘+’ and ‘–’ means ‘÷’, what will be the value of the following ? 18 ÷ 20 – 5 × 4 + 20 = ?
Fill in the blanks at the place of ? in the following : BJH : YQS : : LCG : ?
In a row seven persons are standing. Q is standing left to R but right to P. O is standing right to N and left to P. Similarly, S is standing right to R and left to T. Find out who is standing in the middle ?
What is the largest number of 4 digits which divided by 6, 9, 12, 15 or 18 leaves and 1 as remainder in each case?
Find the wrong number from the given series. 1236, 2346, 3456, 4566, 5686
In a row of girls, Rita and Monika occupy the ninth place from the right end and tenth place from the left end, respectively. If they interchange their places, then Rita and Monika occupy seventeenth place from the right and eighteenth place from the left respectively. How many girls are there in the row?
Only one meaningful word can be formed by rearranging the letter of the given jumbled word . find out that word. - MUSPOPAPOTIH
Ashok’s mother was 3 times as old as ashok 5 year ago. After 5 years she will be twice as old as Ashok how old is Ashok today ?
In a code language, DISTANCE is written as IDTUBECN and DOCUMENT is written as ODDVNTNE. How is THURSDAY written in that language?
Arrange the following words according to English dictionary. 1. Select 2. Seldom 3. Send 4. Selfish 5. Seller
X and Y are children of Z. If Z is father of X but Y is not son of Z, then what is the relation between Y and Z?
Rakesh walked 10 miles from point P towards the east. He then took right turn and walked 5 miles and again he turn his left and walks a distance of 5 miles. Which direction is point P from last point?
Arrange the given words in the sequence in which they occur in the dictionary. (I) Translucent (II) Transparent (III) Transport (IV) Transistor
If 30th january 2003 was thursday, what was the day on 6th march 2003 ?
In a certain code language, “DOMAIN” is written as “563471” and “TIRED” is written as “27895”. How is “TENDER” written in that code language?
In the following series if the alternate letters are deleted and then if the numbers starts counting from C, which will be the fourth letter from right in the new series? - ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ
The temperature of high level(Sun) is measured by-
Which one of the following types of waves are used in a night vision apparatus?
Which of the following statements is wrong?
Knot is a unit of speed of which of the following?
Transformer is a device to convert?
Water exists both as solid and liquid at-
Thrombosis is a disease of the-
Which one of the following gases is most soluble in water?
Photosynthesis is
The least velocity required by a body to escape away from the gravitational pull of the earth is called
The electric cell is a device to obtain
which one of the following determines the sharpness of image in a camera ?
Stainless steel is an alloy of-
Goiter is caused by the deficiency of ?
The chemical substance present in bones and teeth is :
The pure crystalline form of silica used in scientific apparatus for passing ultraviolet light is called-
The blue colour of the water in the Sea is due to-
In electrical motor
In India,which types of forest among the following occupies the largest area ?
Who was the son of Chandragupta Maurya ?
Which day is observed as Rashtriya Ekta Diwas every year in India?
Internet was started in India at
Which of the following statement is true regarding luni river?