Ssc test series 46
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In certain code language, ‘total flooring area with wood’ is written as ‘pa da te ro hi‘, ‘marble cost in total’. is written as ‘co hi ni zo’, ‘Marble with tiles’ is written as ‘te zo ga’, ‘wood tiles cost much‘ is written as ‘ga cha da ni’, ‘ square area’ is written as ‘ro su’. Which of the following is represented by the code ‘da ni cha’
In certain code language, ‘total flooring area with wood’ is written as ‘pa da te ro hi‘, ‘marble cost in total’. is written as ‘co hi ni zo’, ‘Marble with tiles’ is written as ‘te zo ga’, ‘wood tiles cost much‘ is written as ‘ga cha da ni’, ‘ square area’ is written as ‘ro su’. Which of the following is the possible code for ‘wood door in cost’?
In certain code language, ‘total flooring area with wood’ is written as ‘pa da te ro hi‘, ‘marble cost in total’. is written as ‘co hi ni zo’, ‘Marble with tiles’ is written as ‘te zo ga’, ‘wood tiles cost much‘ is written as ‘ga cha da ni’, ‘ square area’ is written as ‘ro su’. Which of the following does ‘ga’ stands for?
In certain code language, ‘total flooring area with wood‘ is written as ‘pa da te ro hi’, ‘marble cost in total’. is written as ‘co hi ni zo’, ‘Marble with tiles’ is written as ‘te zo ga’, ‘wood tiles cost much’ is written as ‘ga cha da ni’, ‘ square area’ is written as ‘ro su’. What is the code for ‘flooring’ in the given code language?
Pointing to a woman,Rani said, “This woman is my sister’s father’s son-in-law’s wife.” How is the woman related to Rani?
Rahul is older than Sachin but not as old as Krishna. Jai is older than Vijay but not as old as Sachin Who among them is the oldest?
Radhe walks 20 m towards North. She turns right and then walks 30 m. Again, she turns right and walks 35 m, then she turns left and walks 15 m, then she turns left and walks 15 m before moving left and walking 15m. How far is she from the starting point and in which direction?
Complete the series: DEAB, KLHI,RSOP ,____?
In a certain code language “ZIP” is written as “742” and “CODE” is written “1356” And “ADE” is written as “856” How will ZODIAC be written in that code language ?
Find the error part : ( 1) if anyone happens / 2) to call while I / 3) am out, please ask them / 4) to leave a message for me. / 5) No error
Find the error part : (1) These kind of shoes / 2) seem to be expensive / 3) but they are relatively / 4) easy to care for. / 5) No error
Find the error part: 1) She held something / 2) at her side / 3) which was hiding / 4) by the folds of her dress. / 5) No error
Find the error part : (1) Whomever / 2) we think deserve / 3) the award will / 4) certainly get it. / 5) No error
Synonym for- Invigorating
Antonym for- Endure
The difference between the simple interest and the compound interest on an certain sum For the period of three year is Rs 263.5 at 10% per annum. Find the sum.
A fruit seller sells mangoes at the rate of rs 9 per KG and thereby loses 16%. At what price should he have sold them to earn a profit of 5%?
A trader gains 20 % after selling an item at 15% discount on the marked price. The ratio of the cost price and the marked price is –
The difference between 38% of a number and 28% of the same number is 245. What is the 68% of the number?
A train left from station A for station B at 4 pm at an average speed of 80 km/h. At 8 pm, another train also had left from station A for station B on a parallel track at an average speed of 120 km/h. How far from A, is the another train expected to overtake the first train?
What will be the length of the diagonal of a square park whose area is equal to the area of a rectangular park of length 160 m and breadth 80 m?
A trader has 130 kg of pulses, part of which he sells at 12% profit and the rest at 25% profit. He gains 18% on whole. What is the quantity sold at 25% profit?
What will come in the blank: 5 ? 104 655 4314
what will come in place of question mark in the given option ? 7560 1080 ? 36 9
what will come in place of question mark in the given option ? 255 624 1296 2400 ?
what will come in place of question mark in the given option ? 1 4 27 256 ?
what will come in place of question mark in the given option ? 17 19 36 55 ? 146
Choose the error part: it is not worthy the company’s reputation to compromise on quality for the sake of profit .
Choose the error part: Implementing these measures will help the government to save more of 400 crores each year
Choose the error part: you have failed to produce no evidences to support the charge that he is responsible for the error .
Choose the error part: As per the agreement scientists from both of the countries will work together to find a solution .
Choose the error part: Negotiation with the bank are at a advance stage and we hope to sign the deal soon .
Choose the error part: The manufacturing units were shut down because the State government in Lucknow can not provide them with electricity.
Idioms phrase - carve out a niche for himself.
Synonym for the word : PERPETUAL
Synonym for- REDEEM
Antonym for- SURPLUS
One word for- A remedy for all diseases
Complete the series: AZBY : CXDW : : EVFU : :
Complete series: 23 : 0827 : : 45 : ?
Complete series: Nurture : Neglect :: Denigrate : ?
Complete series: ABDG : ZYWT : : BCEH : ?
Complete series: 43 : 57 :: 111 : ?
Modesty : Arrogance :: ?
Which one set of letters when sequentially placed at the gaps in the given letter series shall complete it? _qpx __rq__xxr__pxx__qp__x
Find the odd letters.
Find the odd number:
Find the odd letters:
Find the odd word.
In a peculiar mathematical operation plus means multiplication, minus means plus, divided means minus and multiplications means sum of digits of two numbers. Follow these rules and solve the following example. (6 × 7) – (8 × 9) – (10 × 11) = ?