Ssc test series 73
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The only Sultan of Delhi to conquer Chittor, the capital of Mewar was
The first known ruler to introduce canal irrigation in India was
The diary of Athanasius (Afanasi) Nikitin, the first Russian traveller to India, is entitled
Two major crops introduced in India during the Mughal period were
The medieval Indian Muslim poet, historian and musician who called himself 'a parrot of India' was
The Mughal empire reached its maximum territorial extent during the reign of
The second founder of the Maratha Kingdom was
The Nawab of Awadh who permanently transferred his capital from Faizabad to Lucknow was
The Sultanate of Delhi reached the height of its power during the reign of
The Brahmin minister of Shambhaji (Son and Successor of Shivaji) upon whom he invested the title of 'Pinnacle of Poets' was
Which of the following statements regarding red soils of India is/are correct? 1. The colour of the soil is-red due to ferric oxide content. 2. Red soils are rich in lime, humous and potash. 3. They are porous and have friable structure. Select the correct answer using the code given below:
Which one of the following is not a site for 'in-situ' method of conservation of flora?
Which city has the longest day in the month of June?
In May-June each year, the monsoon winds approach the southern tip of India from:
The rains along the western coast of India are:
The driest place in India is :
Indian monsoon is marked by seasonal shift caused by:
Rainfall in India is not associated with:
Which of the following statements is not true?
Which one of the following statements in not correct?
Consider the following statements: 1. India is the original home of the cotton plant. 2. India is the first country in the world to develop hybrid cotton variety leading to increased production. Which of these statements is/are correct ?
Consider the following statements: 1. India ranks first in the world in fruit production. 2. India ranks second in the world in the export of tobacco. Which of these statements is/are correct?
Murrah is a breed of:
Which one of the following is the correct sequence of crop rotation with a view to increasing soil fertility?
The three major cereals in India under high yielding varieties in declining order are:
Which one of the following Indian States is the largest producer of natural rubber?
Which one of the following statements correctly defines the term transhumance ?
Golden Fibre refers to
Sucrose content in sugarcane decreases:
The important feature of shifting cultivation is
Fertility of soil can be improved by :
Extensive subsistence agriculture is ;
What is multiple cropping?
What type of farming is practised in the densely populated regions of the world?
Crop rotation refers to :
Mixed farming means:
In the coastal lowland of Kerala two crops of rice is grown per year because of: 1. high temperature in winter 2. adequate rain throughout the year 3. adequate irrigation facility 4. presence of water retentive clayey loam soil
Which one of the following regions experiences three cropping season for rice in India (Rice Bowl of India) ?
Consider the following crops: 1. Cotton 2. Groundnut 3. Maize 4. Mustard Which of the above are the Kharif crops?
In which month are the kharif crops sown?
Which of the following is not a rabi crop?
Which one of the following groups of crops is grown in India during the Rabi season?
Which of the following crops is grown in India mainly by dry farming?
He expects………..promotion in a short time
Fill in the blank- The criminal was ____________lest he should Escape.
Fill in the blank- His father was _________the same business.
Fill in the blank- it is due to his lethargy that the plan fell________
Fill in the blank- Are you _______-stamp collecting?
Fill in the blank- your report_________my statement .
Fill in the blank- The police is ___________on his activities.