Quiz on Reasoning Set 106
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Welcome, Guest ! This quiz is on Reasoning. Each question has four options. Only one option is correct. You can select any option. If your selected option is correct then the option will be lightned with green color. If your option is incorrect then the option will be lightned with red color.
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Note: You can select only one option out of four option of each question.
Share Quiz on WhatsAppQuestion 1 :
Kunal walks 10 km towards north. From there, he walks 6 km towards South. Then he walks 3 km towards east. How far and in which direction is he with reference to his starting point?
Question 6 :
Which one set of letters when sequentially placed at the gaps in the given letter series shall complete it ? aab _ aa _ bbb _ aaa _ bbba
Question 9 :
Statement There is big boom in drug business and a number of Jhuggi-Jhopari dwellers in Delhi can be seen pedaling with small pouches of smack and brown sugar. Assumptions I. Drug addiction is increasing in the country, specially in the capital. II. All the big dons involved in the smuggling of drugs live in jhuggi-jhopari areas. III. Most of the jhuggi-jhopari dwellers would do anything for money.
Question 10 :
Statement ‘‘Use Riya cold cream for fair complexion.’’ An advertisement. Assumptions I. People like to use cream for fair complexion. II. People are easily fooled. III. People respond to advertisements.
Here the correct answers of every question in this quiz.
Q.1 [B], Q.2 [A], Q.3 [A], Q.4 [C], Q.5 [D], Q.6 [B], Q.7 [B], Q.8 [D], Q.9 [D], Q.10 [D],Select subject of which you want to take Quizzes.
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