Quiz on Reasoning Set 174

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Quiz on Reasoning Set 174 :

Question 1 :

If rain is water, water is road, road is cloud, cloud is sky, sky is sea and sea is path, where do aeroplanes fly?
A. Water
B. Cloud
C. Sea
D. Road

Correct Ans: Option C

Question 2 :

If room is called bed, bed is called window, window is called flower and flower is called cooler, on what would a man sleep?
A. Flower
B. Cooler
C. Window
D. Bed

Correct Ans: Option C

Question 3 :

If sky is called sea, sea is called water, water is called air, air is called cloud and cloud is called river, then what do we drink when thirsty?
A. Air
B. Sky
C. Water
D. Sea

Correct Ans: Option A

Question 4 :

If train is called bus, bus is called tractor, tractor is called car, car is called scooter, scooter is called bicycle, bicycle is called moped, which is used to plough a field?
A. Moped
B. Car
C. Bus
D. Train

Correct Ans: Option B

Question 5 :

If water is called food, food is called tree, tree is called sky, sky is called wall, on which of the following grows a fruit?
A. Sky
B. Food
C. Tree
D. Wall

Correct Ans: Option A

Question 6 :

Institute is related to Academy in the same way as Decree is related to ______?
A. Mandate
B. Judge
C. Court
D. Blame

Correct Ans: Option A

Question 7 :

Pride is related to Humility in the same way as Desire is related to ______?
A. Indifference
B. Suppress
C. Wish
D. Hate

Correct Ans: Option D

Question 8 :

Boat is related to Oar in the same way as Bicycle is related to _____?
A. Wheel
B. Road
C. Pedal
D. Chain

Correct Ans: Option C

Question 9 :

Joule is related to Energy in the same way as Pascal is related to _____?
A. Purity
B. Density
C. Pressure
D. Volume

Correct Ans: Option C

Question 10 :

Museum is related to Curator in the same way as Prison is related to _____?
A. Warden
B. Jailor
C. Monitor
D. Manager

Correct Ans: Option B

Quiz Summary

Here the correct answers of every question in this quiz.

Q.1 [C],     Q.2 [C],     Q.3 [A],     Q.4 [B],     Q.5 [A],     Q.6 [A],     Q.7 [D],     Q.8 [C],     Q.9 [C],     Q.10 [B],    

Total Questions: 10
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Subject: Reasoning
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