Quiz on Reasoning Set 398

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Quiz on Reasoning Set 398 :

Question 1 :

Rita told Mani, "The girl I met yesterday at the beach was the youngest daughter of the brother-in-law of my friend's mother." How is the girl related to Rita's friend ?
A. Friend
B. Cousin
C. Daughter
D. Niece

Correct Ans: Option B

Question 2 :

Pointing to a girl in a bus, a man tells his friend “She is the daughter of the only son of my father’s wife”. How is the girl related to the man?
A. Cousin
B. Daughter
C. Sister
D. Mother

Correct Ans: Option B

Question 3 :

Seema is the daughter-in-law of Sudhir and sister-in-law of Ramesh. Mohan is the son of Sudhir and only brother of Ramesh. Find the relation between Seema and Mohan.
A. Sister-in-law
B. Aunt
C. Wife
D. Cousin

Correct Ans: Option C

Question 4 :

If Neena says, “Anita’s father Raman is the only son of my father-in-law Mahipal”, then how is Bindu who is sister of Anita, related to Mahipal?
A. Wife
B. Daughter
C. Niece
D. None of these

Correct Ans: Option C

Question 5 :

Mohan said, “This girl is the wife of grandson of my mother”. How is Mohan related to that girl?
A. Grand-father
B. Husband
C. Father-in-law
D. Father

Correct Ans: Option C

Question 6 :

There are two clocks, both set to show 10 pm on 21st January 2010. One clock gains 2 minutes in an hour and the other clock loses 5 minutes in an hour. Then by how many minutes do the two clocks differ at 4 pm on 22nd January 2010?
A. 126 minutes
B. 136 minutes
C. 96 minutes
D. 106 minutes

Correct Ans: Option A

Question 7 :

Wall clock gains 2 minutes in 12 hours, while a table clock loses 2 minutes every 36 hours. Both are set right at 12 noon on Tuesday. The correct time when both show the same time next would be
A. 12:30 at night, after 130 days
B. 12 noon, after 135 days
C. 12 midnight after 135 days
D. 1:30 at nights, after 130 days

Correct Ans: Option B

Question 8 :

I have two watches with a 12 hour cycle. One of them gains one minute a day and the other loses 1 1/2 minute per day. If I set them both at the correct time, how long will it be before they again tell the correct time together?
A. 720 days
B. 288 days
C. 480 days
D. 1440 days

Correct Ans: Option D

Question 9 :

London time is five and a half hours behind Delhi time. What time is it in London if it is 0.2.35 in Delhi?
A. 8.05
B. 21.35
C. 21.05
D. 7.05

Correct Ans: Option C

Question 10 :

A bus leaves at 12.25 noon and reaches destination at 10.45 am. The duration of the journey is
A. 22 hrs 20 min
B. 24 hrs 40 min
C. 22 hrs 40 min
D. 24 hrs 20 min

Correct Ans: Option A

Quiz Summary

Here the correct answers of every question in this quiz.

Q.1 [B],     Q.2 [B],     Q.3 [C],     Q.4 [C],     Q.5 [C],     Q.6 [A],     Q.7 [B],     Q.8 [D],     Q.9 [C],     Q.10 [A],    

Total Questions: 10
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Subject: Reasoning
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