Quiz on Reasoning Set 549
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Welcome, Guest ! This quiz is on Reasoning. Each question has four options. Only one option is correct. You can select any option. If your selected option is correct then the option will be lightned with green color. If your option is incorrect then the option will be lightned with red color.
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Note: You can select only one option out of four option of each question.
Share Quiz on WhatsAppQuestion 1 :
How many meaningful English words can be made with the letters of NDOE using each letter only once in each word ?
Question 2 :
Which one of the following statements regarding Shooting Stars is incorrect ?
Question 3 :
The following small letters are coded by capital letters in a certain way : s u m l a d R A P M S O Now, which small letters can be decoded from the letters given below : M A P S R O
Question 4 :
A group of alphabets are given with each being assigned a number. These have to be unscrambled into a meaningful word and correct order of letter may be indicated from the given responses. YMLOSBCI
Question 5 :
Unscramble the following letters to frame a meaningful word and find out the correct numerical sequence of the letters. E → 1 S → 2 R → 3 T → 4 A → 5 R → 6 U → 7 N → 8 A → 9 T → 10
Question 6 :
Letters given in the first line have codes as in the second line. X → 8 C → 4 Y → 1 O → 6 M → 2 G → 0 I → 9 R → 3 Q → 5 V → 7 How will the letters VGIXRM be coded?
Question 7 :
In a certin code the following numbers are coded in a certain way by assigning signs: 1 → % 2 → x 3 → - 4 → + 5 → > 6 → < 7 → ∧ 8 → ∨ 9 → $ Which number can be decoded from the following? > $ x ∨ %
Question 8 :
A school bus driver starts from the school, drives 2 km. towards North, takes a left turn and drives for 5 km. he then takes a left turn and drives for 8 km. before taking a left turn again and driving for further 5 km. The driver finally takes a left turn and drives 1 km. before stopping. How far and towards which direction should the driver drive to reach the school again?
Question 9 :
Town D is 13 Km. towards the East of town A. A bus starts from town A travels 8 Km. towards West and takes a right turn. After taking the right turn, it travels 5 Km. and reaches town B. From town B the bus takes a right turn again, travels 21 Km. and stops. How far and towards which direction must the travel to reach town D?
Question 10 :
Rajesh starting from his house, goes 4 km. in the East, then he turns to his right and goes 3 km. What is his final distance from his house?
Here the correct answers of every question in this quiz.
Q.1 [C], Q.2 [D], Q.3 [C], Q.4 [B], Q.5 [B], Q.6 [C], Q.7 [D], Q.8 [D], Q.9 [D], Q.10 [B],Select subject of which you want to take Quizzes.
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