Home / Dhruva / English Language MCQs
Total questions: 484
Q. One word substitution for - A speech delivered without any prior preparation
Q. One word substitution for - man who would not share a penny with anyone
Q. One word substitution for - the warm and pleasant
Q. One word substitution for - hostile and aggressive
Q. One word substitution for - at a constant distance from each other
Q. One word substitution for - earliest inhabitants
Q. One word substitution for - a strong believer in fate
Q. One word substitution for - grant a general pardon to all
Q. One word substitution for - the array of baked goods that impressed by their sheer variety and huge quantity
Q. One word substitution for - a hole in the side of every ship that allows water to drain from the deck
Q. One word substitution for - A physician who diagnoses and interprets the changes caused by disease in tissues and body fluids
Q. One word substitution for - A person who cannot help but steal whatever he can find.
Q. One word substitution for - Fear of water
Q. One word substitution for - A word indicating medicines that have no biological value yet create an impact because of psychological reasons
Q. One word substitution for - A word meaning happy and joyful
Q. One word substitution for - Person who is two faced
Q. One word substitution for - One who looks at the bright side of things
Q. One word substitution for - Fear of spiders
Q. One word substitution for - A house where an Eskimo lives.
Q. One word substitution for - Person who writes in a newspaper
Q. One word substitution for - A large enclosure for keeping birds
Q. One word substitution for - An examination of a dead body
Q. One word substitution for - Place for ammunition and weapons.
Q. One word substitution for - The life history of a person written by an author
Q. One word substitution for - A person involving in an activity for pleasure and not money
Q. One word substitution for - The person who knows everything
Q. One word substitution for - A person who talks in sleep
Q. What kind of soil is most suitable for growing cashew nuts?
Q. Bijapur is known for its what?
Q. Which of the following rivers is a left bank tributary of Ganga?
Q. Salsette Island is situated in which state of India?
Q. When and by whom the PIN coode system was introduced in India ?
Q. What is the capital of Indian Union Territory Lakshadweep ?
Q. The river Ganga emerges from Gangotri Glacier and ends at
Q. The first Indian University was opened in 1857 was in
Q. Which state is known as land of setting sun in India?
Q. In which city was the Jhanda Satyagraha or Flag Satyagraha of 1923 held?
Q. Statement I : In Tundra climate, biodiversity is comparatively less. Statement II : Tundra climate has less reproductive warm period.
Q. Above which layer of the atmosphere does the Exosphere lies?
Q. Jaduguda mines are famous for
Q. ‘Bol Bom Yatra’ is usually held in which Indian state, by devotees of Hindu religion?
Q. The ruler of medieval India credited with the construction of the Grand Trunk Road is
Q. The English East India Company laid the foundation of Fort St.George at Madras during the regin of
Q. The Sarvodaya Movement was started by
Q. The first Satyagraha campaign of Gandhiji was started at
Q. During First World War(1914-1918) AD, The Raja of Chamba State, Raja Bhuri Singh ....................
Q. Examine these two statements carefully and select the correct answer using the code given below. Statement I :King Ashoka abolished capital punishment and disbanded his army. Statement II :After Kalinga War, Ashoka was remorseful and become a Buddhist.
Q. The lotus temple in Delhi is a house of worship of which of the following religions ?
Q. Who is the father of Green Revolution in India?
Q. Which of the following is/are the feature(s) of the Brahmadeya Grants during c 600-1200 AD? 1. Their creation meant a renunciation of actual or potential sources of revenue by the State. 2. These grants could vary from a small plot to several villages. 3. Most grants were made in unsettled areas. Select the correct answer using the code given below.
Q. What is the motto Incorporated under our National Emblem?
Q. India Home Rule Society, founded in Landon in February 1905, was one of the earliest revolutionary societies set up outside india. This society was founded by
Q. Tuesday is Sunday. After 69 days, it will be
Q. If Jan 1, 2006 was Sunday. What was the day of the week Jan 1, 2010
Q. Which of the following is a leap year?
Q. Which of the following is not a leap year?
Q. If 1st Jan 2001 is Monday then which day was on 1st Jan 2013.
Q. If 2nd June 2012 is Saturday then which day is 7th July 2012?
Q. If 14th October 2005 is Friday then which day is 14th October 2009?
Q. If today is Monday then which day of the week is after 59 days.
Q. If 14th October 2005 is Friday then which day is 14th October 2006?
Q. At what time between 9 PM to 10 PM minute hand and hour hand will coincide ?
Q. Find the greatest possible length which can be used to measure 4 m 3 cm, 4 m 34 cm and 4 m 65 cm exactly.
Q. The LCM of two number is 48. The number are in the ratio of 2:3. Find sum of the numbers.
Q. The H.C.F and L.C.M of two number are 44 and 264 respectively. If the first number is divided by 2, the quotient is 44. The other number is ?
Q. The smallest number, which when diminished by 3, is divisible by 21, 28, 36 and 45 is ?
Q. Which of the following is in descending order ?
Q. Which of the fractions 1/2, 3/7, 3/5, 4/9 is the smallest ?
Q. L. C . M of 2/7, 3/14 and 5/ 3 is ?
Q. H.C.F of three numbers is 12. If they be in the ratio 1: 2: 3, the numbers are ?
Q. The H.C.F of two numbers is 12 and their difference is also 12. The number are ?
Q. Find the greatest possible length which can be used to measure 4m 3cm, 4m 34cm and 4m 65cm exactly.
Q. Which among the following is a Beyond-visual-range air-to-air missile
Q. Which among the following is the most acceptable range of LEO (Low Earth orbit)?
Q. Who among the following coined the term ―cosmic rays‖ ?
Q. The following is measured in tonne of oil equivalent (toe) ?
Q. In context with electromagnetism, which among the following is a correct definition of Permeability?
Q. An electrical fuse is used to interrupt excessive________?
Q. Which among the following component of a fluorescent lamp contributes maximum in making them costly?
Q. Which among the following instruments used in Forensic Sciences is popular as Liedetector?
Q. Which among the following are used in Computed tomography (CT) Scan?
Q. In which year, Sir Chandrasekhara Venkata Raman was awarded Nobel Prize for Raman effect?
Q. At which of the following places water shall boil at the lowest temperature?
Q. A vehicle moving on a circular path experiences ________?
Q. Svedberg Unit‖ is a unit of _________?
Q. One Torr is equivalent to how many mm of Mercury?
Q. Which among the following is the most common cause of Sunburn?
Q. Which among the following strictly works on the principle of dipole movement of the water molecules?
Q. Which among the following waves are most commonly used in the Night Vision Devices?
Q. Which among the following waves are used in the gemstone industry to change white topazinto blue topaz?
Q. What do we call the part of the ―DTH Satellite dish‖ that converts the signals from electromagnetic or radio waves to electrical signals ?
Q. The power we use at Home has a frequency of 60Hz. What would be the period of the sine wave?
Q. Consider the following advantages of the Optic Fibers and the Copper wires: 1. Optic Fibers are NOT susceptible to the electrical interference 2. Optic Fibers can be used to transmit more signals that Copper Wires 3. Optic Fibers can carry a signal over a single fiber, unlike the electricity which requires a pair of Copper wires. Which among the above stand correct ?
Q. Consider the following: 1. Submarine Communications 2. AM Radio 3. Short Wave Radio 4. Radar Arrange the above in increasing frequency of the waves used in their applications.
Q. Which among the following correctly represents a Parsec?
Q. ―Fermi‖ is a unit of which among the following?
Q. Which among the following property of the matter is studied in ―Rheology‖?
Q. A memory that does not change its contents without external causes is known as
Q. A stand-alone system which produces one page of printed output at a time is
Q. A path by which communication is achieved between a central processor and other devices is called
Q. Computer memory consists of
Q. Which programming language is based on Algol 60.
Q. An operating system intended for use on microprocessor based systems that support a single user is
Q. Compression of digital data for efficient storage is
Q. A notation used to express clearly on algorithm is known as
Q. A pen shaped device which can sense light, and is used to point at spots on a video screen.
Q. A compiler means
Q. Day and night are formed
Q. The sun is never overhead at any time in : I. North Temperate Zone II. South Temperate Zone III. North Frigid Zone IV. Torrid Zone
Q. If the earth's axis had not been inclined: I. temperature distribution would have been uniform II. days and nights would not have occurred III. seasons would not have occurred IV. poles would not have a continuous day
Q. Days and nights are similar here
Q. The earth rotates around its axis from ________
Q. What percentage of insolation is received by the earth's surface?
Q. Study the following diagram and say which of the given statements is not correct regarding it ________
Q. The region which is resistant to the transformation of macro structure, is called?
Q. Who proposed Continental drift theory?
Q. The light of Sun takes how much time to reach to Earth
Q. One word substitution for - One who loves all and sundry
Q. One word substitution for - Murder of a brother
Q. One word substitution for - One who is well-versed in any subject; a critical judge of any art, particularly fine arts
Q. One word substitution for - Line at which the earth or sea and sky seem to meet
Q. One word substitution for - A small piece of potato
Q. One word substitution for - A disease which ends in death
Q. One word substitution for - Belief or opinion contrary to what is generally accepted
Q. One word substitution for - One who cannot die
Q. One word substitution for - Having no beginning or end to its existence
Q. One word substitution for - The cessation of warfare before a treaty is signed
Q. The most important feature of the Indian Parliament is that
Q. To be a regional party the minimum percentage of votes, that a party needs to secure in any election is
Q. The ‘Speaker’s vote’ in the Lok Sabha is called
Q. The first mid-term elections for Lok Sabha were held in
Q. Which party provided two Prime Ministers in two years time?
Q. The Rajya Sabha is dissolved after
Q. A Bill referred to a ‘Joint Sitting of the two Houses of the Parliament is required to be passed by
Q. A national political party is one which received 4% of the total votes polled in
Q. The Indian Parliament is competent to enact law on a State subject if
Q. The Prime Minister who was voted out of power by the Parliament was
Q. Money bill can be introduced in the State Legislative Assembly with the prior permission of the
Q. How many readings does a non-money bill have in each House of the Parliament?
Q. The Union Parliament consists of
Q. When does Lok Sabha or a Vidhan Sabha election candidate forfeit his security deposit?
Q. No Government Expenditure can be incurred in India except with the sanction of
Q. A motion moved by a member in a legislature when it is desired to have a discussion on a matter of urgent public importance is called
Q. Fill in the blank with suitable word: Owing to the power cut in the area, factories are being forced to ...... men
Q. Fill in the blank with suitable word: The parliament invested the new organisation ...... judicial authority.
Q. Fill in the blank with suitable word: I haven't eaten an apple ...... a long while.
Q. Fill in the blank with suitable word: A crescendo of metallic thuds arose from the market, where the iron-smiths were ...... the pieces of metals.
Q. Fill in the blank with suitable word: If our friends are not able to take us in their car, we must make ...... arrangements to go to the airport.
Q. Make a meaningful sentence by organizing these words: 1. not 2. Hari 3. away 4. run 5. did
Q. Make a meaningful sentence by organizing these words: 1. I 2. help 3. not 4. you 5. did
Q. Make a meaningful sentence by organizing these words: 1. not 2. hotel 3. comfortable 4. was 5. the
Q. Make a meaningful sentence by organizing these words: 1. tea 2. have 3. that 4. some 5. before
Q. Make a meaningful sentence by organizing these words. 1. was 2. and 3. Suresh 4. kind 5. loving
Q. Find out whether there is any grammatical error in below sentence. You can get / all the information that you want / in this book.
Q. Find out whether there is any grammatical error in below sentence. Block of Residential flats / are coming up / near our house.
Q. Find out whether there is any grammatical error in below sentence. Do the roses in your garden smell / more sweetly / than those in ours?
Q. Find out whether there is any grammatical error in below sentence. According to the Bible / it is meek and humble / who shall inherit the earth.
Q. Find out whether there is any grammatical error in below sentence. If you lend him a book / he will lend it to some one else / and never you will get it back.
Q. List I List II A. Abhidhamma 1. Matters of doctrine Pitaka and ethics B. Sutta Pitaka 2. Rules of monk order C. Vinaya Pitaka 3. Members of great community D. Mahasanghika 4. Matters of psychology and metaphysics Codes: A B C D
Q. In the Chalcolithic period people of Maharashtra buried their dead under the floor of their houses in the following orientation
Q. List-I List-II A. Tirukkural 1. Ilangoadigal B. Shilpadikaram 2. Sattanar C. Manimakhlai 3. Tolkappiyar D. Tolkappiyam 4. Tiruvalluvar Codes: A B C D
Q. The objects like pottery, tools and ornaments that humans made in the past are called
Q. Who among the following teachers was visited by Siddhartha Gautama in the quest for knowledge before his enlightenment? 1. Alara Kalama 2. Udraka Ramaputra 3. Makkhali Gosala 4. Nigantha Nataputta Indicate your answer from the codes given below:
Q. Consider the following statements : 1. Historians use the word source to refer to the information found from manuscripts, inscriptions and archaeology. 2. Ramayana and Mahabharata are also important source of ancient Indian history. Which of the above is / are correct?
Q. The evidence of pit dwelling has been obtained from
Q. Which of the following does the Puranas contain?
Q. The expounder of Yoga philosophy was :
Q. Which one of the following places is famous for pre-historic paintings?
Q. When did Saladin captured Jerusalem?
Q. When did Europe captured Jerusalem?
Q. The top chambers of human heart are called
Q. White blood cell act
Q. The elastic vessels which transport blood from the heart is known as
Q. The elastic vessels which transport blood to the heart is known as
Q. The colour of Hemoglobin is
Q. The main function of hemoglobin is
Q. What is the pH value range of human blood?
Q. The muscle which separate the right side and left side of heart is known as
Q. How many chambers does a human heart have?
Q. When a foreign body inter into blood circulatory system the reaction is started by
Q. Which one of the following pairs of cities have the largest annual average rain difference as compared to the other three pairs?
Q. There is heavy rainfall on the western coast of India but very little in the Deccan because
Q. The rains along the western coast of India are ________
Q. Why does the west coast of India receive more rainfall from south-west monsoon than the east coast?
Q. Monsoon retreat is marked by: 1. clear sky 2. high pressure conditions at the Bay of Bengal 3. rise in temperature on land
Q. The place which experiences minimum and maximum temperature of - 28.3°C and 15°C respectively is ________
Q. Why does Western Ghats and Eastern Ghats both receive sufficient rainfall but Deccan Plateau receives scanty rainfall?
Q. How do dust storms in summer affect the temperature?
Q. Which among the following pairs of places have most marked difference in total rainfall per annum even though located approximately along the same latitude?
Q. The north-western India receives substantial rainfall during winter months because of ________
Q. Which of the followings is not a search engine?
Q. Virtual memory is-
Q. Which of the following has the most capacity?
Q. The term USER INTERFACE refers to-
Q. The term 'memory' applies to which one of the following:
Q. A URL is:
Q. ROM tells the computer to-
Q. Which of the following is not a Search engine?
Q. What is the full form of e-mail?
Q. Word BLOG is combination of two words-
Q. What was the first general-purpose electronic computer?
Q. Which of these is the first web-based e-mail service?
Q. Which of the following is not a storage device?
Q. What Does BIOS Stand For?
Q. The upper chambers of the heart are the
Q. Life of red blood cells in the body is
Q. Blood is red in colour due to the presence of ________
Q. The sound lub-dub lub-dub is produced by
Q. Blood group which have no antibodies
Q. Name the blood cells in which nucleus is absent.
Q. The smallest blood vessels which are one-cell thick, are called ________
Q. What carries blood back to the heart?
Q. Hemoglobin, the oxygen carrying substance in red blood cells, is a
Q. Haemoglobin is an important component of
Q. Lymph carries digested and absorbed fat from ________ .
Q. Instrument used to measure blood pressure is
Q. Which of the following carries oxygen to various parts of human body?
Q. An individual whose blood type is B may in an emergency, donate blood to a person whose blood type is
Q. Which statement regarding the mammalian heart is correct?
Q. The Lena river passes through which country?
Q. Which one of the following European countries borders Atlantic Ocean?
Q. What is the correct decreasing order of the share of different salts in sea water?
Q. Which of the following current is responsible for rise in temperature in westen Europe?
Q. The ideal conditions for coral growth are: I. water temperature around 20°C II. tropical waters (between 30°N and 30°S) III. highly saline water IV. adequate oxygen
Q. Imaginary lines connecting places in oceans having equal salinity are called
Q. Which one of the following factors is responsible for the change in the regular direction of the ocean currents in the Indian Ocean?
Q. The reason behind broadening the river valley is
Q. Why are the ports of Baltic sea opened for trade in winter?
Q. The ocean surface currents follow clockwise circulatory paths in the northern parts of the Pacific and Atlantic oceans due to the ________
Q. Which river has the largest drainage basin?
Q. Which among these Islands has coral reef?
Q. Which one of the following conditions are not favourable for the growth of coral reefs ?
Q. Which is the smallest among the following water bodies?
Q. Which of the following city is located on the banks of river Potomac?
Q. The most important navigable river in, Central Europe that provides a link between seven countries-Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Hungary, Rome, Russia and Yugoslavia is ________
Q. Which one of the following cities is associated with the river Mekong ?
Q. The oceanic current named as 'Kuroshio - Kurile and Alaskan' are located in
Q. Which one among the following best explains the reason for the eastern and western boundaries of the Pacific Ocean experiencing frequent earthquake?
Q. The greatest known ocean depth (which lies in the Pacific Ocean) is ________
Q. The LCM of two multiples of 12 is 1056. If one of the number is 132, the other number is ?
Q. The HCF and LCM of two numbers are 21 and 4641 respectively. If one of the numbers lies between 200 and 300 , the two numbers are ?
Q. Sum of two numbers is 384. HCF of the numbers is 48. The difference of the numbers is = ?
Q. Two numbers are in the ratio 3 : 4. The product of their HCF and LCM is 2028. The sum of the numbers is = ?
Q. The greatest number for four digits which when divided by 12, 16 and 24 leave remainder 2,6 and 14 respectively is = ?
Q. The LCM of three different numbers is 120. Which of the following cannot be their HCF ?
Q. The LCM of two numbers is 44 times of their of HCF. The sum of the LCM and HCF is 1125. If one number is 25 then the other number is = ?
Q. The smallest number, which when increased by 5 is divisible by each of 24, 32, 36 and 64 is ?
Q. What least number must be subtracted from 1936 so that the resulting number when divided by 9, 10 and 15 will leave in each case the same remainder 7 ?
Q. The LCM of two numbers is 12 times their HCF. The sum of HCF and LCM is 403. If one number is 93, find the other = ?
Q. The largest 4-digit number exactly divisible by each of 12, 15, 18 and 27 is?
Q. The LCM of two numbers is 20 times their HCF. The sum of HCF ans LCM is 2520. If one of the number 480, the other number is = ?
Q. What is the least number which when divided by the number 3, 5, 6, 8, 10 and 12 leaves in each case a remainder 2 but when divided by 22 leaves no remainder ?
Q. If the product of two numbers is 324 and their HCF is 3, then their LCM will be = ?
Q. Fill in the blank with suitable word. You are . . . . . . a nice person . . . . . . everybody likes to be your friend.
Q. Fill in the blank with suitable word. My friend Ganesha, . . . . . lives in heaven, has a mouse as a vehicle.
Q. The bride was dressed . . . . . white . . . . . . head . . . . . . foot.
Q. Fill in the blank with suitable word. . . . . . . you go really? You only arrived an hour ago!
Q. Fill in the blank with suitable word. The Olympic Games . . . . . every four years.
Q. Fill in the blank with suitable word. We . . . . . already . . . . . our lunch when the guests arrived.
Q. Fill in the blank with suitable word. Shraddha is a singer. She sings . . . . . .
Q. Fill in the blank with suitable word. He has taken my . . . . . car.
Q. Fill in the blank with suitable word. You speak so . . . . . that I can’t understand properly.
Q. Fill in the blank with suitable word. Why do you travel by . . . . . bus?
Q. What is the percentage of Indian population engaged in agriculture?
Q. Agricultural commodities are graded with
Q. As per the classification by agriculture ministry, how many agroclimatic zones are in India?
Q. The soils which have supported agriculture for centuries without much manuring or fallowing are
Q. The soil which bleaches quickly due to rain, is called
Q. Which of the following component was not the part of agricultural policy of Green Revolution?
Q. The Laterite soil is found in
Q. Khaddar soils are found
Q. Which of the following method does not help in conservation of the fertility and moisture of soil?
Q. Which of the following soil is most suited for tea plantation ?
Q. The Plantation agriculture produces?
Q. The soils of the plains have not been derived
Q. Which of the following are the components of loamy soils? I. Red soil II. Clay soil III. Alluvial soil IV. Silt soil V. Sandy soil
Q. The soil which is a mixture of sand, clay and silt is known as ________
Q. Put in descending order of area with the following soils in India: I. Red soils II. Black soils III. Laterite soils IV. Alluvial soils
Q. Antonym of the bracket part- The error in the newspaper article is (incidental).
Q. Antonym of the bracket part- The General Manager is quite (tactful) and handles the workers union very effectively.
Q. Antonym of the bracket part- The actor is well known both for his (humility) and courage.
Q. Antonym of the bracket part- What he tells me confirms my ideas.
Q. Antonym of the bracket part- It is one of (pernicious) customs prevailing in the society.
Q. Antonym of the bracket part- According to a great philosopher (magnanimity) in a man implies many other qualities.
Q. Antonym of the bracket part- He is the most (prudent) person. I have ever came across.
Q. Antonym of the bracket part- The commission took two years to go through the (massive) collection of files and documents before preparing its report.
Q. Antonym of the bracket part- He was asked to (accelerate) the pace of work.
Q. Antonym of the bracket part- The chairman (rebuked) the accounts for not supervising officer for not supervising the work of his subordinates.
Q. Antonym of the bracket part- His interpretation of the poem is (superficial).
Q. Antonym of the bracket part- I thought about her a lot during the (following) months.
Q. Antonym of the bracket part- His short but pointed speech was (applauded) by all sections of the audience.
Q. Antonym of the bracket part- Dinesh could manage his family satisfactory with his (meager) income.
Q. Antonym of the bracket part- Poet often prefer (ambiguity) to
Q. Antonym of the bracket part- The atmosphere in the institute he had newly joined (congenial) to research.
Q. Antonym of the bracket part- Like poverty, (affluence) can sometimes create its own problems.
Q. Antonym of the bracket part- The atmosphere in that desolate place looked (ominous).
Q. Antonym of the bracket part- In ancient India, scholars had no interest in political power or (material) growth.
Q. Antonym of - precipitate
Q. The reason of mirage is?
Q. Largest flower rafflesia is
Q. The principle of black hole was enunciated
Q. Which of the following is an organic rock?
Q. The only state in india that produes saffron is
Q. Which is the Oldest mountain of india ?
Q. “V” shaped valley is formed by-
Q. Which type of lake is formed by volcanic activities ?
Q. Which one of the following is depositional landform?
Q. Charter Act, 1813, ended commercial monopoly of East India Company in India, however it retained Company’s monopoly in which of the following item?
Q. Which of the following acts, made provision for establishment of Supreme Court at Calcutta?
Q. Which one of the following is the wettest place in india?
Q. The down are the
Q. Name the product in which Canada is the world leader
Q. Yellow stone national park is situated at
Q. The alfalfa is a
Q. Gobi desert is situated in..
Q. The name of the great maestro of Indian Music “Ustad Bismillah Khan” is related to
Q. Which is the world’s cultural capital in India ?
Q. Nuclear fallout contains
Q. Which of the following is not a greenhouse gas ?
Q. Which Of The Following Is The Guardian Of Fundamental Rights?
Q. Despotism Is Possible In A
Q. The Two Forms Of Democracy Are
Q. Who discovered the four largest moons of Jupiter?
Q. Who were the first Europeans to set up sea trade centres in India?
Q. A tax is characterized by horizontal equity if its liability is
Q. What is USP in marketing field?
Q. Interest on public debt is a part of:
Q. The major aim of devaluation is to:
Q. Which one of the following is NOT an example of indirect tax?
Q. Indirect tax means:
Q. Which among the following has the least possibility of globalization?
Q. How the interest-level of a country is affected by FDI?
Q. Which among the following statements is not true when there is an increase in interest rate in an economy?
Q. Where did Mahatma Buddha’s ‘Mahaparinirvan’ take place?
Q. Which of the following was not one of the reasons for the gradual decline of Jainism?
Q. Which of the following place is known as a place of Pilgrimages because of being related with Parshvanath?
Q. Which of the following Kingdoms were associated with the life of the Buddha? 1. Avanti 2. Gandhara 3. Kosala 4. Magadha Select the correct answer using the code given below.
Q. The Stupa site which is not connected with any incident of Lord Buddha’s life, is
Q. Buddhist centre of learning is
Q. Lord Buddha’s image is sometimes shown with the hand gesture called; ‘Bhumisparsha Mudra’. It symbolizes.
Q. Which of the following are true of Jainism? 1. It has affinity with the Sankhya system of philosophy. 2. It completely rejected the concept of the soul. 3. It has affinity with the Vedanta system of philosophy. 4. According to it the world consists of two eternal categories, viz., conscious Jiva and unconscious (Ajiva). Choose the correct answer from the codes given below.
Q. Deegh Nikay deals with
Q. The Jain philosophy holds that the world is created and maintained by
Q. The ‘Bodhi Vriksh’ in Bodh Gaya belongs to which generation of its family?
Q. In Jain philosophy, Pudgal refers to
Q. Which of the following Buddhist Philosopher is said to have visited Nepal in the fourth century A.D. in order to propagate his own doctrine?
Q. Who is believed by the Jainas to be the first Tirthankar?
Q. What was the purpose of the Chaityas during the early phase of Buddhism?
Q. What is ‘Tripitaka’?
Q. The great famine of Magadha compelled many Jainas to go to the southern part of India to protect themselves under the leadership of
Q. Which of the following are characteristic ascribed to Buddhism? Choose the correct answer given below: 1. Theory of Prakrit and Purusha 2. Rejection of the authority of the Vedas 3. Emphasis on the role of the individual 4. Beliefs in the categories of Jiva and Ajiva
Q. Where did Buddha reside during the last rainy season of his life?
Q. Idioms and phrases for- At daggers drawn
Q. Idioms and phrases for- Tie the knot
Q. Idioms and phrases for- Get rid of
Q. Idioms and phrases for- At arm's length
Q. Idioms and phrases for- Bag and baggage
Q. Idioms and phrases for- To cry wolf
Q. Idioms and phrases for- By leaps and bounds
Q. Idioms and phrases for- With open arms
Q. Hanging Valley is very common in
Q. Which of the following rocks is transformed into marble?
Q. Which of the following are true with regard to fold mountains? I. They often act as climatic barriers II. They receive heavy rain or snow which give rise to rivers III. They are rich in minerals IV. They pose no problem, to communication as they contain many passes
Q. Which type of lakes are created by the volcanic activities?
Q. Sedimentary rocks are formed by the process of ________
Q. Which of the following is known as the "Roof of the World"?
Q. Bowl shaped depression created as a result of glacial erosion high on a mountain side is called ________
Q. Dogger Bank, Rockfall Bank, Wales Bank and Sand Bank are located in
Q. Which of the following features is the product of vulcanicity ?
Q. Which form of coal is mainly suitable for producing thermal power?
Q. The transverse, longitudinal and surface waves in an earthquake originate from ________
Q. Which of the following is/are the correct characteristic(s) of primary seismic wave?
Q. The material that comes out of a volcano at the time of eruption is ________
Q. Which of the following is an Example of Abyssal Igneous Rock?
Q. Which of the following is meant by an archipelago?
Q. The narrow strip of land joining two land masses is called as
Q. The intensity of earthquakes is measured on ________
Q. Marble is a metamorphic rock of
Q. What is the difference between a geyser and a hot spring?
Q. Dykes are especially constructed in ________
Q. rearrange the part of the sentence in correct order. 1. The process of formal education involves P. All these three variables are interdependent Q. Three aspects namely, setting of objectives, R. In our educational institutions teachers are S. Providing learning experience and evaluation 6. Independently setting the instructional objectives to facilitate learning.
Q. Change the speech: “I shall unlock the secrets of their success,” he said.
Q. Synonym of- BEDEVILMENT
Q. One word substitution of: Something widely feared as a possible dangerous occurrence
Q. Idioms and phrases for: Get one’s point across
Q. Fill in the blank with suitable word: ………… efforts from all concerned are required to raise the social and economic condition of our countrymen.
Q. rearrange the parts of the sentence in correct order . S1: The crowd swelled round the thief. S6: They were followed by the crowd which left the thief alone. P: Suddenly he whipped out a knife from under his shirt. Q: The thief stood quiet, his head hung in shame. R: The two young men holding him were scared by the sight of the shining knife. S: They took to their heels.
Q. Change the speech: “Good morning, Father!” baby kochamma would call out when she saw him.
Q. Antonym of- CONSTERNATE
Q. Find the wrongly spelt word:
Q. Find the correctly spelt word:
Q. One word substitution of: The conference takes place once in three years.
Q. The constitution of India provides for an Election Commission under Article
Q. By which constitution amendment article 31-C was added to the Indian Constitution?
Q. Which article of Indian constitution declares Devnagri Hindi as an official language of India?
Q. The idea of the directive principles of state policy in the Indian constitution has been taken from the constitution of
Q. The fundamental duties are mentioned in the following part of the constitution of India
Q. Which one of the following is not related to the constitutional Government?
Q. Procedure for creation of Legislative council in states has been described in which Article of the Constitution?
Q. Which article of the Indian constitution provides for Uniform civil code for the citizens?
Q. By which Act Federation was introduced in India?
Q. Which article provides that any law passed in violation of Fundamental rights is void to the extent of such violation
Q. Who of the following moved the ‘objective Resolution’ in the constituent Assembly?
Q. The provision for constitution of Legislatures in states is enshrined in which article of the Indian Constitution?
Q. Which article of the constitution of India deals with the ‘Right to constitutional remedies’?
Q. Which of the following is not a feature of the Indian constitution?
Q. Which of the following amendments had reduced the age of the voters from 21 years to 18 years?
Q. X and Y start moving towards eacgh other from two places 200 m apart. After walked 60 m, B turns left and goes 20 m, then he turns right and goes 40 m. He then turns right again and comes back to the road on which he had started walking. If A and B walk with the same speed, what is the distance between them now?
Q. Kashish goes 30 metrs North, then turns right and walks 40 metres, then again turns right and walks 20 metres, then again turns right and walks 40 metres. How many metres is he from his original position?
Q. A man is facing north-west. He turns 90° in the clockwise direction and then 135° in the anticlockwise direction. Which direction is he facing now?
Q. Gaurav walks 20 metres towards North. He then turns left and walks 40 metres. He again turns left and walks 20 metres. Further he moves 20 metres after turning to the right. How far is he from his original position?
Q. One morning after sunrise, Gopal was standing facing a pole. The shadow of the pole fell exactly to his right. Which direction was he facing?
Q. Lokesh’s school bus is facing North when it reaches his school. After starting from Lokesh’s house, it turns right twice and then left before reaching the school. What direction was the bus facing when it left the bus stop in front of Lokesh’s house?
Q. Ravi wants to go to the university. He starts from his home, which is in the East and comes to a crossing. The road to the left ends in a theatre, straight ahead is the hospital. In which direction is the university?
Q. Two buses start from the opposite points of a main road, 150 kms apart. The first bus runs for 25 kms and takes a right turn and then runs for 15 kms. It then turns left and runs for another 25 kms and takes the direction back to reach the main road. In the meantime, due to a minor breakdown, the other bus has run only 35 kms along the main road. What would be the distance between the two buses at this point?
Q. Ramakant walks northwards. After a while, he turns to his right and a little further to his left. Finally, after walking a distance of one kilometre, he turns to his left again. In which direction is he moving now?
Q. What you say has hardly any bearing _____ the lives of tribal’s.
Q. Fill in the blank with suitable word: The peasant refused to bow ___ his master.
Q. Fill in the blank with suitable word: A steady mind triumphs ____ difficulties.
Q. Fill in the blank with suitable word: They quarreled with me ____ the division of the booty.
Q. Fill in the blank with suitable word: I brought him ___ with great difficulty.
Q. Fill in the blank with suitable word: Sugan’s story is devoid ____ truth.
Q. Fill in the blank with suitable word: He dispensed with the services ____ his dishonest clerk.
Q. Fill in the blank with suitable word: In the morning, I simply take a glance ____ the newspaper headlines.
Q. Fill in the blank with suitable word: He has suffered heavy losses, yet he was rolling ____ wealth.
Q. Fill in the blank with suitable word: A good judge never jumps ___ the conclusion.
Q. Fill in the blank with suitable word: My cousin has invested a lot of money ____ farming.
Q. Find the antonym of bracket part: The boy was (punished) and he couldn’t go to play with his friends.
Q. Find the antonym of bracket part: Mahatma Gandhi said that (compassion) is more important than truth.
Q. To produce high quality graphics (hardcopy) in colour, you would want to use a(n)
Q. The device which helps you to communicate with computer is called
Q. An impact printer that uses an interchangeable, rotating printing unit for hardcopy output is the
Q. A DVD is a(n)
Q. Which of the following could be digital input devices for computers?
Q. The federal system of India was inspired by the constitution of the following?
Q. How many members were assigned cabinet mission in constitution assembly?
Q. The Idea of organization of panchayats as a duty of state is mentioned in which part of Indian constitution?
Q. India has borrowed the concept of fundamental Rights from the Constitution of
Q. How many members of the constituent assembly signed the constitution of India?
Q. Which part of the Indian constitution deals with centre-state financial relations?
Q. The 91st amendment of the Indian constitution deals with the
Q. The guardian of fundamental rights is
Q. Which amendment to the constitution inserted a new Article 21A providing Right to education in the constitution?
Q. Which Article of Indian Constitution is related with the protection of the interests of the minorities?
Q. If 3rd December, 1990 is Sunday, What day is 3rd January, 1991?
Q. If 1st October is Sunday, then 1st November will be
Q. If 18th February, 1997 falls on Tuesday then what will be the day on 18th February, 1999?
Q. If the day before yesterday was Saturday, what day will fall on the day after tomorrow?
Q. If February 1, 1996 is Wednesday, What day is March 3, 1996?
Q. If the day before yesterday was Thursday, when will Sunday be?
Q. If Thursday was the day after the day before yesterday five days ago, what is the least number of days ago when Sunday was three days before the day after tomorrow?
Q. If the first day of the year (other than the leap year) was Friday, then which was the last day of that year?
Q. If the 25th of August in a year is Thursday, the number of Mondays in that month is
Q. In order to promote village industralisation, Government of India has set up the Mahatma Gandhi Institute for Rural Industralization in
Q. The Government has undertaken grading and standardisation of various agricultural products through the
Q. The abnormal increase in buffer stock of FCI in recent times is due to
Q. Which one of the following is known as the “Coffee Port” of the world?
Q. The agency started with the responsibility of buffer stocking is
Q. Which one of the following countries does not extract oil and natural gas from the North Sea?
Q. Which among the following facilities has been started in India for refinance assistance for small irrigation, IRDP, dairy development and mechanisation of farms?
Q. Among the following states, which one has the most suitable climatic conditions for the cultivation of a large variety of orchids with minimum cost of production and can develop an export oriented industry in this field?
Q. The Green Revolution has not been as green as it has been made out to be because
Q. The holy book of the Sikhs is ___
Q. The chola king who built Brahadeeswara temple was ___
Q. Chola period is famous for ___
Q. The court language of the Gupta was
Q. Agnimitra was the hero of Kalidasa’s play ___
Q. Kallanai across the river Cauvery was built by ___
Q. The second Asoka was
Q. Asoka’s wife was
Q. Alexander was the son of
Q. Alexander died at ___
Q. Alexander’s desire was to become the master of ___
Q. Buddha spoke about his religion in public for the first time at a place called ____
Q. During the Later Vedic age, copper was obtained from ___
Q. The Indus Valley, civilization had overseas trade contacts with ____
Q. Harappa was on the bank of the river
Q. Two numbers are in ratio 4 : 5 and their LCM is 180. The smaller number is
Q. In a school having roll strength 286, the ratio of boys and girls is 8 : 5. If 22 more girls get admitted into the school, the ratio of boys and girls becomes
Q. If two times A is equal to three times of B and also equal to four times of C, then A : B : C is
Q. If A : B = 2 : 3 and B : C = 4 : 5 then A : B : C is
Q. The salaries of A, B and C are in the ratio 1 : 3 : 4. If the salaries are increased by 5%, 10% and 15% respectively, then the increased salaries will be in the ratio