Home / Upesh / English Language MCQs
Total questions: 28
Q. Who is won t20 world cup 2022?
Q. Who is the first captain of Indian cricket test team win a series in England?
Q. Income-tax Act___________
Q. District Judges in a State are appointed by the
Q. Which article of Indian constitution gives the power to the government to make special provisions for the development of SC/ST/OBC against the article 15?
Q. What among the following is NOT a power or function of the Speaker of Lok Sabha?
Q. Who is competent to prescribe conditions as for acquiring Indian Citizenship?
Q. Which of the following can be said to be a part of the Parliament of India? 1. President 2. Lok Sabha 3. Rajya Sabha 4. Governors of states
Q. What is the minimum age for holding office in the Lok Sabha?
Q. Who invented the telephone?
Q. Who invented the internet?
Q. Who invented Aeroplane
Q. Television was invented by
Q. Who invented the Ball Point Pen?
Q. Which one of the following is not an official language of the United nation organisation?
Q. Of which of the following state, is 'garba' , is a famous folk dance
Q. Which government control organisation has its Moto 'yogakshemam Vahamyahum'.
Q. Which type of waves used by radar for detecting the presence of aircraft?
Q. __________is called the 'land of thousand lakes'.
Q. Who among the Following Sikh gurus, was executed by Aurangzeb?
Q. The mark up%,discount %, and profit %are the ratio 16: 5 : 7 . If article is marked as 288 Rs higher than the CP, Th en find the amount of discount given(in Rs) ?
Q. Complete the series 1,2,5,26,?
Q. Complete the series? 2+1=5 3+2=11 4+3=19 5+4=?
Q. Who was the last Governor-General of India?
Q. Who was the first Governor-General of Independent India?
Q. Who was the first deputy speaker of lok sabha ?
Q. Who was the first female speaker of lok sabha in india?
Q. Who was the first vice president of india?