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Total questions: 35
Q. To split a table horizontally in MS word, we have to press
Q. Which of the following is not available on the ruler of MS word screen
Q. Which of the following is not a paragraph formatting
Q. Which function key open the Save as window in Microsoft Word
Q. Which one is not a Font Effects
Q. A "Ctrl + Enter" command will __________
Q. Which option is not available in the Page setup group of Page Layout tab
Q. A font size can be maximized up to
Q. Which type of file cannot be inserted in a word document via Insert Object option
Q. In which year the MS Office was first released under the name Multi-Tool Word
Q. Which document view option is not available in MS Word file
Q. Which function will be activate if you press Shift+F7 in MS Word
Q. Which command is used to replace selected text
Q. Ctrl+K command is used to
Q. Which command is used to increase font size one value
Q. What is the minimum font size available in MS Word
Q. Protrait and Landscape are
Q. To select a whole line you have to press F8 for how many times
Q. Pressing Ctrl+F9 will insert which brackets
Q. The default number of recent documents display on MS Word
Q. The protect document option can be found in the _____ tab of the Ribbon
Q. Which language is used to build the Macros in Word document
Q. In MS Word, the maximum file size is limited to
Q. What is the maximum size of a file that Word can open
Q. Maximum number of styles supported in 2007 Word document is
Q. What is the maximum zoom value supported in a word page
Q. Which one is the short cut command for Thesaurus
Q. If we press the F7 in a word file, it will ___________
Q. What is the default font of a Microsoft Word 2007 document
Q. Maximum line supported in the Drop Cap is
Q. Which function you will use to add names and addressess of different recepient for each copy of the letter
Q. Maximum number of text column supported by a word document is
Q. A Word 97-2003 document will be save in which extension
Q. Maximum number of columns supported by a table in a Word file is
Q. Which command will executes a new Word file in a windows machine