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Total questions: 13
Q. An aeroplane crashed in a field nearby your battalion area. You are battalion commander. What steps would you take at such a critical juncture?
Q. You are moving along with a convoy to the forward area and sitting at the back of the vehicle. You saw a flag car is speeding fast.
Q. Young males are uninterested in joining the military. What kind of persuasion strategy would you use to entice them?
Q. While shooting a film, terrorists kidnapped the heroine. You are in charge of the 'check post ' nearby the scene.
Q. You received an urgent order from your commander. But you feel that order passed on to you is wrong.
Q. If some of your friends crack a joke on you in presence of your girlfriend, what will you do.
Q. He sees a snake moving near to the bed where his younger brother is sleeping when he enters his room.
Q. His boss gives a piece of work and orders him to follow his instructions to complete the work, but the work is difficult to finish within time.
Q. His friend was always quarrelling with him and the papers were near.
Q. His team is camping in a jungle for training where shooting is prohibited. A leopard that may prove dangerous is seen close to the camp as a sentry on duty. He
Q. SRT: It is your sister's wedding and bridegroom is demanding dowry. You?
Q. WAT: make sentence on word FREEDOM
Q. WAT: make sentence on word PLAY