Tutor III
Tutor III rank is given to those users who have earned more than 5000 points and are less than 10000 points.

Ranks in Mcqbuddy

These ranks are given to users based on their activities. These ranks will be shown below your name so that other users will also see your rank. Points are distributed as per the following criteria:

As soon as your points reache to 50 points you will be awarded "Achiever" rank. Same for the other ranks.
The first rank is Newbie and the highest rank is Tutor. Any user who has earned 5000 or more than 5000 points will be awarded "Tutor" rank.

Rank Description Points
Newbie Newbie is first rank of MCQbuddy Plateform. Whenever a user creates an account on mcqbuddy, this rank is given to him. 0-49
Achiever This is the second rank of mcqbuddy. This rank is given to those users who have earned 50 points by adding questions. 50-99
Mover This is third rank in mcqubddy platform. This rank is given to those users who have earned 100 points by adding questions. 100-199
Hard Worker This is forth rank in mcqubddy platform. This rank is given to those users who have earned 200 points by adding questions. 200-299
Valuable This is fifth rank in mcqubddy platform. This rank is given to those users who have earned 300 points by adding questions. These users are valuable part of mcqbuddy, so we treat them as valuable assets. 300-399
Goal Maker This is sixth rank in mcqubddy platform. This rank is given to those users who have earned 400 points by adding questions. Users who have received this rank have set their minds to achieve their goals. They are also valuable users of mcqbuddy.com 400-499
Invincible This is seventh rank in mcqubddy platform. This rank is given to those users who have earned 500 points by adding questions. These are more valuable assets of mcqbuddy. Their target is set to achieve anything and they are set to help others getting the same knowledge they have. 500-749
Talented This is eighth rank in mcqubddy platform. This rank is given to those users who have earned 750 points by adding questions. These are more valuable assets of mcqbuddy. Their target is set to achieve anything and they are set to help others getting the same knowledge they have. They have pretty knowledge of all subjects and all examinations, that's why these users are called Talented. 750-849
Hero This is ninth rank in mcqubddy platform. This rank is given to those users who have earned 850 points by adding questions. These are more valuable assets of mcqbuddy. They are the real hero of mcqbuddy. They help other students in learning new questions. They are very active on mcqbuddy, they respond to every question added on mcqbuddy. 850-999
Master So far, Master is the highest rank in mcqbuddy. They have good command on each aspects whether it is adding questions or helping students by giving solution of questions. This rank is given to those users who have earned 1000 points. They are the most precious users of mcqbuddy. 1000-2499
Extraordinary This rank is given to those users who have earned more than 2500 points. These users are very active users. MCQ Buddy pay warm respect to these users. 2500-4999
Tutor III Tutor III rank is given to those users who have earned more than 5000 points and are less than 10000 points. 5000-10000
Tutot II Tutor II rank is given to those users who have earned more than 10000 points and are less than 15000 points. 10000-15000
Tutor I Tutor I rank is given to those users who have earned more than 15000 points and are less than 20000 points. 15000-20000
Instructor III Instructor III rank is given to those users who have earned more than 20000 points and are less than 25000 points. 20000-25000
Instructor II Instructor II rank is given to those users who have earned more than 25000 points and are less than 30000 points. 25000-30000
Instructor I Instructor I rank is given to those users who have earned more than 30000 points and are less than 35000 points. 30000-35000
Coach Coach rank is given to those users who have earned more than 35000 points. This rank is the top rank for now. We wish you could reach this rank soon. More than 35000

We wish that you could reach to the highest rank soon.