Nda test series 87
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At midnight on December 31, 1929 who unfuried the tricolor flag on Indian Independence on the banks of the Ravi at Lahore?
Which of the following was not one of the historic decisions of the Lahore Session (1929) of the Indian National Congress?
Mahatma Gandhi launched the Civil Disobedience Movement on March 12, 1930 by
An electromagnetic wave of frequency v = 3.0 MHz passes from vacum into a dielectric medium with permittivity ε = 4.0 Then :
A current loop in a magnetic field :
Two paper screens A and B are separated by a distance of 100 m. A bullet pierces A and then B. The hole in B is 10 cm below the hole in A. If the bullet is travelling horizontally at the time if hits A, then the velocity of the bullet at A is :
Identify the antonym of the given word. ‘Bewdy’
Identify the antonym of the given word. ‘Reprimand’
Identify the synonym of the given word. ‘Credulous’
select the word opposite in meaning to the word given . GREGARIOUS
Which Amendment to the constitution a new Article-21Aproviding right to education in the constitution ?
The gases used in different types of welding would include
If U = {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9} then the sum of A = {0,1,2,3} is equal to
Which rank is 301 in parallel range 1,6,11,16 …
Choose appropriate Synonyms for the given words. Carnival
Choose appropriate Antonyms for the given words. Amicable
Shuffling of Sentence Parts. The Buddha P : who had Q : set views R : was opposed to all those S : or closed system of thought The proper sequence should be :
What is the full form of WWW
Which of the following fundamental rights is called as “The heart of consitution” by Dr.Ambedkar
Dr. B.R. Ambedkar called which of the following Articles as “The heart and soul of the constitution”
“Any state is known of those rights whom it can maintain” whose statement is this
In which part of the constitution, fundamental rights are mentioned
The “Freedom of Press” is mentioned in which of the following rights
In which of the Article, freedom of press lies
Under which of the following article of Indian constitution, the fundamental rights of defence forces’ personnel can be restricted specially
What is the basis of recognition of minorities in Indian constitution
When were the fundamental duties inserted in Indian constitution
Fundamental duties were inserted in the constitution by which of the following amendment
Fill in the blank-“Rights _______duties
Fundamental duties include
How many fundamental duties are there in Indian constitution
Which of the following articles of the constitution is related with the fundamental duties
Who is the custodian of the implementation of the fundamental rights
Fundamental rights can be suspended by
The fundamental rights of Indian citizens can be suspended
Who can restrict the fundamental rights of the citizens
Article 14 of Indian constitution guarantees Indian citizens
Article 19 of Indian constitution provides
The freedom from payment of taxes for promotion of any religion is guaranteed by
In which of the following articles , the interests of minorities are covered
Which of the following articles of Indian constitution prohibits “Untouchability”
Which of the followings is a Political right
Which of the followings is not a fundamental right
The Gandhi-lrwin Pact (1931) was vehemently criticised and opposed by the people on the ground that
On September 20, 1932 Mahatma Gandhi began a fast unto death in Yeravada Jail against
Mahatma Gandhi broke his epic fast unto death on September 26, 1932 after the Poona Pact, which provided for
The Civil Disobedience Movement was suspended after the Gandhi-Irwin Pact. Why did the Congress decide to resume the movement In January 1932?
In May 1933, Mahatma Gandhi began a fast of 21 days
On account of severe British repression the Civil Disobedience movement was again suspended In July 1933 and people were asked to offer Satyagraha
According to Indian constitution,which is not a fundamental right