Nda test series 92
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A focal point of all revolutionary activities in London was
The first President of the Ghadar Party-founded in 1913 in USA-was
Chandra Shekhar Azad was ______ of the Hinduatan Socialist Republican Army.
The Tokyo Conference which passed a resolution to form an Indian National Army or Azad Hind Fauj was a conference of
The English who twice served as President of the Indian National Congress was
When the Congress Ministries were formed in the provinces in June 1937, the Viceroy of India was
In which of the following provinces the Congress Ministry was not formed in June 1937?
August Offer 1940 was made by the Viceroy
When the August Offer 1940 was offered to India the Prime Minister of England was
Of the following who was a poet and political thinker?
The word Pakistan was coined by
The Muslim League passed a resolution demanding the partition of India in the ______ session held in 1940.
The Regulating Act was passed in the year
As per the Regulating Act, a Governor-General and four Councilors were appointed for
The term of office fixed by Regulating Act for Governor General was
As per the Regulating Act a Supreme Court was established in
According to the provisions of the Regulating Act the Supreme Court in Bengal consisted of the Chief Justice and
During the first Carnatic War, the French Governor-General of Pondicherry was
Indian Standard Time relates to
Cauvery water sharing is a dispute between
The Governor of an Indian State is appointed by the
Mohenjodaro is situated in the district of
The vitamin necessary for coagulation of blood is
In the Carnatic, the English supported the claims of
Shuja-ud-Daulah was the Nawab of
Shuja-ud-Daulah wanted to acquire the territory of
Rohelas were of ______ origin.
The Rohelas helped the Afghan invaders in 1761 in the Battle of
To face the Maratha Army the Rohelas chief entered into a pact with
The 'Hero of Plassey' was
The use of the mother tongue in India in the law Court was permitted by
The Diwani Adalat was presided over by
The first plans for an Indian railway system was made by
In 1831 Bentinck signed a treaty with Ranjit Singh to protect the British territories from
The Treaty of Bessein (1802) was signed between
The Treaty between Ranjit Singh and the British was signed at
The Sikhs were defeated by the English at ______ in 1856.
The Treaty of Lahore was signed between the Sikhs and the British in India in the year
The English established their first factory in Bengal in 1651 at ______.
Of the following who transferred the capital from Murshidabad to Monghyr?
Which of the following was not to be ceded by Mir Kasim to the Company as per the treaty signed between Mir Kasim and Calcutta Council?
In the Battle of Buxar the English army was commanded by
The Battle of Buxar was fought between the combined armies (of the Nawab of Awadh, the Mughal Emperor and Mir Kasim II) and the
Who designated the administrative head of the district as Collector?
Mahabandula was the great General of the
Mahabandula was killed at _____.
‘Confessions of Thug' was written by
The Hindu College was started in 1817 at
According to ______ the Mutiny was a popular rebellion.
The Mutiny was brought to an end with the fall of ______ into the hands of the British in India.