Home / Bijay Kumar / English MCQs Solution

Bijay Kumar updated solution of these english language mcqs.

Q. Who appoints Governor of a State in India?

Q. The sum of ages of mother, daughter and son is 87 years. What will be the sum of their ages after 8

Q. Select the word which has same relation: USA : Congress : Iran : ?

Q. Select the word which has same relation: Scientist : Laboratory : : Actor : ?

Q. Select the word which has same relation: Pituitary : Brain : : Thymus : ?

Q. Select the word which has same relation: Eye : Wink : Heart : ?

Q. Select the word which has same relation: Abduct : Kidnap : : Solicit : ?

Q. Find the odd term.

Q. Find the odd term.

Q. Find the odd term.

Q. Find the odd term.

Q. Find the odd term.

Q. (a) When the awards were being announced at The Hague /(b) Dr. Spock, accompanied by his /(c) resear

Q. Find the error part in the sentence: (a) Today's entrepreneurs want to be fast and furious /(b) in

Q. Find the error part: (a) Tanu, and also Anu, is preparing /(b) for CAT, but it is still /(c) not c

Q. Find the error part: (a) People excitedly waited for Abhijit's concern /(b) but because of fewer p

Q. Find the error part: (a)People are generally trained /(b) In a single skill, but to be successful /

Q. Improve the bracket part. It is always prudent to (lay out) some money for unforeseen expenses

Q. This sentence has error. Choose the error free sentence from options. Let he go to the office immed

Q. If 8th February, 2005 was a Tuesday, what was the day the 8th February,2004?

Q. The Republic day of India was celebrated on Friday in year 2008. On which day, it will be celebrated

Q. A clock is set right at 5 am. The clock loss 16 min in 24 h. What will be the right time when the cl

Q. The ratio of the ages of two persons is 4 : 7 and age of then is more than other by 30 years. The su

Q. The ratio of the present ages of Suresh and his daughter is 2 : 1. Six years hence, the ratio of the

Q. The ages of Samir and Saurabh are in the ratio of 8 : 15 respectively . After 9 years the ratio of t

Q. Nikhil is 8 years younger than his brother Rohan. How old will Rohan be when he is twice as old as N

Q. Ram sell his goods 25% cheaper than Shyam and 25% dearer than Bram. How much % is Bram's good cheape

Q. Choose a similar word ? Kolkata, Mumbai, Mangalore

Q. Pointing to a photograph, a man said, "I have no brother or sister but that man’s father

Q. Three unbiased coins are tossed.What is the probability of getting at least 2 heads?

Q. In how many different ways can the letters of the word 'OPTICAL' be arranged so that the vowels alwa

Q. The sum of two numbers is 528 and their H.C.F is 33. The number of pairs of numbers satisfying the a

Q. Find out the wrong number: 6, 13, 18, 25, 30, 37, 40

Q. If 2 tables and 3 chairs cost Rs, 3500 and 3 tables and 2 chairs cost Rs. 4000, then how much does a

Q. If HAT is coded as 'jcv' then what will GUN be coded as?

Q. A man said to a lady, "Your mother's husband's sister is my aunt!! How is the lady related to t

Q. If 6 men and 8 boys can do a piece of work in 10 days while 26 men and 48 boys can do the same in 2

Q. A man reaches his office 20 min late, if he walks from his home at 3 km per hour and reaches 30 min

Q. Which of the following statements is/are correct? 1.In June 2016, the LIGO group of scientists anno

Q. Statement I : Portions of glacial troughs may exhibit remarkably flat floors. Statement II : The

Q. Fill in the blank with suitable word: It _____ the best idea to pay for those tickets by credit ca

Q. Fill in the blank with suitable word: _____ forced to do anything. He acted of his own free will.

Q. Fill in the blank with suitable word: Last year, when I last met her, she told me she _____ a lett

Q. Fill in the blank with suitable word: _____ in trying to solve this problem. It's clearly unsolvab

Q. Fill in the blank with suitable word: _____ to offend anyone, she said both cakes were equally goo

Q. Fill in the blank with suitable word: She was working on her computer with her baby next to _____.

Q. Fill in the blank with suitable word: The woman, who has been missing for 10 days, is believed ____

Q. Fill in the blank with suitable word: I wish I _____ those words. But now it's too late.

Q. Who was the founder of Lokayat sect?

Q. Sarnath is in the state of

Q. The earliest epigraphic evidence mentioning the birth place of Sakyamuni Buddha is obtained from

Q. Buddha’s death a council was called at Rajagriha where: 1. Upali recited the Vinaya Pitaka

Q. Anekantavada is a core theory and philosophy of which one of the following?

Q. Who installed the grand image of Gomateshwar at Shravanbelgola?

Q. Mahabalipuram was a port city of which of the following dynasties?

Q. Bhogagamas were villages given by the Kings to his favorites in Pre Maurya Period particularly Puroh

Q. Milinda-Panho is a pali text which record discussion between Milinda and Nagsena. Milinda was a ____

Q. Which one of the following groups of Indian states has a common frontier with Bhutan?