Home / Vishal Gupta / English MCQs Solution

Vishal Gupta updated solution of these english language mcqs.

Q. Fill in the blank with suitable word: . . . . . . we do exercise, we will remain healthy.

Q. Fill in the blank with suitable word: . . . . . . she . . . . . . away yesterday?

Q. Which of these methods can be used to prevent rancidity?

Q. What do we call the reaction when an acid and a base react together to form salt and water?

Q. Which of the following reactions represents changing of green colour of ferrous sulphate?

Q. What will be the number of neutrons in an atom having atomic number 35 and mass number 80?

Q. Which of the following statements related to principal quantum number (n) is not correct?

Q. What do we call the region of space around the nucleus where the probability of finding an electron

Q. Rahul told Anand, “Yesterday I defeated the only brother of the daughter of my grandmother.&rd

Q. Vijay says “Ananda’s mother is the only daughter of my mother”. How is Ananda rela

Q. Which of the following is also known as ‘Eternal City’ ?

Q. What is called as the ‘Roof’ of the World ?

Q. Which of the following is different from others?

Q. Arrange the following words in a meaningful sequence - 1. Bill 2. Treatment 3. Doctor 4. Diagn

Q. Arrange the following words in a meaningful sequence - 1. Selection 2. Probation 3. Interview

Q. If the word 'LION' is coded as LMGJ. How is 'MILK' written in that code?

Q. A hospital always has

Q. Statement: If it is easy to become a doctor, I don't want to be a doctor. Assumptions: i) A cand

Q. Statement: It is suggested to put a child in school at the age of 4. Assumptions: i) Schools d

Q. Hypsiphobia: Height :: Hylophobia: ?

Q. Marathon is to race as hibernation is to -

Q. Arrange the following words in meaningful sequence 1. Plant 2. Seed 3. Dough 4. Bread 5. Grain

Q. Arrange the following words in a meaningful sequence - 1. Sun 2. Rain 3. Child 4. Rainbow 5. Ha

Q. Statement 1: John runs faster than George Statement 2: Tom runs faster than John Statement 3: Geor

Q. If it was Saturday on 17th December, 1982 what will be day on 22nd December 1984?

Q. Ajay left home for the bus stop 15 minutes earlier than usual. It takes 10 minutes to reach the stop

Q. Ashish leaves his house at 20 minutes to seven in the morning, reaches Kunal's house in 25 minutes,

Q. A monkey climbs 30 feet at the beginning of each hour and rests for a while when he slips back 20 fe

Q. Reaching the place of meeting on Tuesday 15 minutes before 08.30 hours. Anuj found himself half an h

Q. A bus for Delhi leaves every thirty minutes from a bus stand. An enquiry clerk told a passenger that

Q. There are twenty people working in an office. The first group of five works between 8.00 A.M. and 2.

Q. The priest told the devotee. The temple bell is rung at regular intervals of 45 minutes. The last be

Q. Elementary education was made a Fundamental Right under which Constitutional Amendment Act?

Q. Which of the following was not added to the Directive Principles by 42nd Amendment of the Constituti

Q. Which of the following Articles has the provision of participation of workers in the management of i

Q. Which of the following articles grant the ‘Right to Equality’ to citizens of India?

Q. Who is the Guardian of the Fundamental Rights of the citizens of India?

Q. Which of the following writs issue a command to a public official asking him to perform his official

Q. Which of the following Articles in Part III of the Constitution are related to Right to freedom of R

Q. Which of the following Commissions accepted language as the basis of reorganization of States?

Q. Which of following is not a correct statement with respect to the Preamble of Indian Constitution?

Q. Which among the following document is presented in the parliament as per mandate of Article 112?

Q. The Shisunaga Dynasty was overthrown by ?

Q. Ajatasatru was son of

Q. Change the voice : Don’t laugh at me.