Home / Ravi Chauhan / English MCQs Solution

Ravi Chauhan updated solution of these english language mcqs.

Q. Who was the first Indian to be the chief of air staff?

Q. Who was the first and the only Param Vir Chakra recipient of Indian Air Force?

Q. Which was the first indigenously developed aircraft by India to come into service of IAF?

Q. Proscenium : Stage

Q. Shoal : Fish

Q. Find the odd man out from: Dim : Bright, Wrong : Right, Shallow : Deep & Genuine : Real

Q. Find the odd man out from: TPLH, SOKG, ZVRN & UQMJ

Q. Goggles : Eyes

Q. Find the odd man out from: 7 : 18, 9 : 26, 11 : 36 & 13 : 42

Q. Crawl : Proceed

Q. Find the odd man out from: Big, Small, Trivial, Tiny & Huge

Q. Find the odd man out from: Telescope, Transistor, Taperecorder & Telephone

Q. Which word does NOT belong with the others: unimportant, trivial, insignificant & familiar

Q. Find the odd man out from: 28, 45, 72 & 81

Q. Find the odd man out from: 9 – 72, 8 – 56, 11 – 115 & 10 – 90

Q. Find the odd man out from: VYAKB, MYGHZ, LMVOX, FJNRV & QBSPN

Q. Find the odd man out from: Apple, Mango, Orange, Pear & Papaya

Q. Find the odd man out from: See : Eye, Hear : Ears, Smell : Nose, Touch : Skin & Tongue : Taste

Q. Select the pair which has same relation: Yolk : Egg

Q. Bread : Yeast :: Curd : ?

Q. Select the pair which has same relation: Coat : Lapel

Q. Which word does NOT belong with the others: eel, lobster, crab & shrimp

Q. Which word does NOT belong with the others: feldspar, bauxite, azurite & cryolite

Q. Which word does NOT belong with the others: tulip, rose, bud & daisy

Q. In 1921,during which one of the following tours, Gandhiji shaved his head and began wearing loinclot

Q. Who deciphered the Brahmi and Kharoshthi scripts?

Q. When rain falls through a cold layer of air near the Earth's surface, raindrops get frozen into ice.

Q. Which of the following was not a feature of Indus Valley Civilization?

Q. Select the word which has same relation: Bird : Fly :: Snake : ?

Q. Select the word which has same relation: India : New Delhi :: Pakistan : ?

Q. Select the word which has same relation: Moth : Insect :: Mouse : ?

Q. Select the word which has same relation: Smoke : Pollution :: War : ?

Q. Which of the following is tropical grassland?

Q. Which is the smallest district of India by size ?

Q. Find the angle between minute hand and hour hand at 10 : 10 AM

Q. Select the word/letter which has same relation: 335 : 216 :: 987 : ?

Q. Mr.Mittal purchased a car for Rs. 3,00,000 and a bike for his son for Rs. 1,00,000. He sold the car

Q. Arun bought toffees at 6 for a rupee. How many for a rupee he should sell to gain 20% ?

Q. An item costing Rs. 200 is being sold at 10% loss. If the price is further reduces by 5%, the sellin

Q. A person sold two cows each for Rs. 9900. If he gained 10% on one and lost 20% on the other, then wh

Q. 6 % more is gained by selling a coat for Rs.1425 than by selling it for Rs. 1353. The cost price of

Q. CUP : LIP :: BIRD : ?

Q. Who brought about a compromise between Muslim League and Congress in 1916?

Q. The first major issue that the Indian Association took up for agitation was

Q. J.E.D. Bethune was closely associated with

Q. The first Indian Factory Act was passed by

Q. Who is known asthe father of Muslim Renaissance in Bengal?

Q. Baud rate is :

Q. An effective way to prevent attenuation is

Q. The loss of power a signal suffers as it travels from the transmitting computer to a receiving compu

Q. The effective bandwidth of a signal is the

Q. The exact format of frame in case of synchronous transmission depends on whether transmission scheme

Q. For carrying digital data over long distance using either analog signal or digital signal at approxi

Q. Yard is to inch as quart is to

Q. Which of the following is the unit digit in (1570)^2 + (1571)^2 + (1572)^2 + (1573)^2?

Q. What will be the result of 1397 x 1397?

Q. What is the value of (a - b), if (a^2 - b^2)/(a + b) = 25?

Q. If (64)² - (36)²= 20 * x, then what is the value of x?

Q. The sum of four consecutive even numbers is 748, then which is the smallest number among them?

Q. The sum of two numbers is equal to the thrice of their difference. What will be the ratio between th

Q. If the ratio of two positive numbers is 7 : 9 and their product is 1575, then the greatest number is

Q. If the sum and reciprocal of a number is equal to 2, the number is

Q. If the sum of two numbers is 12 and their product is 35, then what will be the sum of their reciproc

Q. Consider the following GI protected agricultural products and their respective states: 1. Virupaks

Q. Consider the following statements: 1. Both Ras and Sankirtana are popular forms of Manipuri Dance

Q. When was Paper Industry delicenced in India?

Q. What is LEED?

Q. What is India’s contribution of APIs to the prequalified list of the WHO?

Q. Which country is the top energy consumer in the world?

Q. In which of the following places, Mahavir Swami gave his first sermon?

Q. Svetambara Agama was finally edited at the Jain council of

Q. Consider the following statements: 1. During the sixth century BC numerous religious sects arose

Q. Which of the following is among the eightfold path of Buddhism? 1. Right speech 2. Right action

Q. Buddha means

Q. The originator of the Jain religion is

Q. Find the word which has same relation: Court : Justice :: School : ?

Q. Select the term which has same relation: Profit : Loss ::

Q. Select the term which has same relation: 6 : 72 :: 8 : ?

Q. Denigrate : Devalue :: Upgrade : ?

Q. CUP : LIP :: BIRD : ?

Q. Court : justice :: School : ?

Q. How many days are in a leap year?