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Q.) A GAL is essentially a .
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Q. Consider the language L1,L2,L3 as given below. L1={0^{p}1^{q} | p,q \in N} L2={0^{p}1^{q} | p,q \in N and p=q} L3={0^{p}1^{q}1^{r} | p,q,r \in N and p=q=r} Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE?
Q. Point out the correct statement
Q. GUID full form is
Q. TTL 74LS85 is a
Q. A software component
Q. ICMP is used in
Q. __________________ is a nonnegative integer that the destination can use to selectively screen messages.
Q. Which of the following is commonly used to describe the service interface, how to bind information, and the nature of the component’s service or endpoint?
Q. Which of the following is not correct?
Q. The minimum time complexity for training an SVM is O(n2). According to this fact, what sizes of datasets are not best suited for SVM’s?
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