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Q. Which defines style for body of the modal?
.modal-body defines style for the body of the modal, we can add HTML markup here, .modal-content styles modal we can add modal’s header, body and footer, .modal-dialog sets the proper width and margin of the modal.
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Which of the following makes a table more compact?
In Grid move columns to the right using
Which of the following bootstrap styles can be used to create a Stacked progress bar?
Which of the following class in Bootstrap is used to create an animated progress bar?
Which of the following indicates dropdown functionality?
Grid system and responsive design come standard with __________ pixel wide grid layout.
Which of the following displays text inside <abbr> in slightly smaller font size
Which bootstrap style can be used to get different size items of .pagination?
Which contextual class indicates a succesful or positive action?
Which of the following bootstrap styles can be used to create a default progress bar?
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