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Q. The Electoral College which elects the President of India Comprises of 1. elected members of both the Houses of Parliament 2. elected members of the both the House of State Legislatures 3. elected members of Legislative Assemblies of all the States 4. elected members of the legislative Assemblies of Delhi and Puducherry Select the correct answer from the code given below Codes:
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Q. The First Act permitting legal marriage with a person not belonging to one’s endogamous group ...
Q. If the President wants to resign from office, he may do so by writing to the:
Q. In the event of the resignation or death of the Prime Minister
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Q. On which one of the following lists of subjects is the Union Parliament competent to legislate?
Q. Which General Election in India was spread over a period of 100 days?
Q. Which of the following States and the year of their creation is incorrectly matched?
Q. The Government in India is known as Parliamentary because
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