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10 Important General Awareness MCQs for most of the Competitive Exams

In this article 10 Important General Awareness MCQs are added which are frequently asked in almost all examination. Each question has four options and the correct answer is below the question. Learn these MCQs on General Awareness here:
Que 1:  It is reported that there is an ongoing decrease in the pH value of ocean water because of global warming. It happens due to

(A) Larger uptake of atmospheric nitrogen by ocean water
(B) Lesser uptake of atmospheric nitrogen by ocean water.
(C) Larger uptake of CO2 by ocean water
(D) Lesser uptake of CO2 by ocean water.

Correct Ans: C

Que 2: The first person ever to reach the South Pole was

(A) Magellan
(B) merigo Vespucci
(C) Amundsen
(D) Peary

Correct Ans: C

Que 3: The island of Honshu in Japan is famous for

(A) Oil
(B) Diamond
(C) Iron ore
(D) Coal

Correct Ans: A

Que 4: Capital Of Laddakh.

(A) Leh
(B) Lehh
(C) Uttrakhand
(D) West Bengal

Correct Ans: A

Que 5: Who invented Aeroplane

(A) Wallace Carothers
(B) Kirkpatrick Macmillan
(C) J. Robert Oppenheimer
(D) Orville & Wilbur Wright

Correct Ans: D

Que 6: Television was invented by

(A) Shockley
(B) John Napier
(C) J.L.Baird
(D) Sholes

Correct Ans: C

Que 7: Who invented the internet?

(A) Robert E. Kahn and Vint Cerf correct
(B) Philip Diehl
(C) William Sturgeon
(D) Frederick Banting

Correct Ans: A

Que 8: Who invented the telephone?

(A) J.L Baird
(B) Alexander Graham Bell
(C) Marconi
(D) James Dewar

Correct Ans: B

Que 9: Who is called the father of English Poetry? 

(A) Charles Dickens
(B) Milton
(C) Wordsworth
(D) Chaucer

Correct Ans: D

Que 10: The autobiography Living History has been authored by

(A) Margaret atwood
(B) Benazir Bhutto
(C) Hillary Clinton
(D) Monica lewinsky

Correct Ans: C

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Tags: General awareness MCQs, general awareness, general awareness questions, question on general awareness, gk questions, gk MCQs

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