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10 Important Geography MCQs for most of the competitive exams

In this post, we are going to add 10 important geography MCQs which are frequently asked in various examination. These MCQs are asked in AFCAT, CDS, NDA, UPSC, SSC, TET and Bank exams. Here are the MCQs
Que 1: Which one of the following is the correct sequence of the age of formation-from the
youngest to the oldest-of the given mountain ranges?

(A) Himalayas, Vindhyas, Western Ghats, Deccan Traps
(B) Deccan Traps, Western Ghats, Vindhyas, Himalayas
(C) Himalayas, Western Ghats, Vindhayas, Deccan Traps
(D) Vindhyas, Himalayas, Deccan Traps, Western Ghats

Correct Ans: A

Que 2: Arakan Yoma is the extension of the Himalayas located in :

(A) Kashmir
(B) Nepal
(C) Baluchistan
(D) Myanmar

Correct Ans: D

Que 3: The transport route connecting the Kashmir from Leh crosses the high mountain ranges
at the:

(A) Pir Panjal pass
(B) Karakoram pass
(C) Banihal pass
(D) Zoji La pass

Correct Ans: B

Que 4: Which one of the following mountains is not the part of Eastern Ghats?

(A) Sheravoy hills
(B) Javadi hills
(C) Nallamala hills
(D) Elamalai hills

Correct Ans: D

Que 5: Kodaikanal, the famous hill-station of South India, is situated on 

(A) Palni hills
(B) Anaimalai mountain
(C) Nilgiri mountain
(D) Cardamon hills

Correct Ans: A

Que 6: Which one of the following statements is NOT correct?

(A) Black cotton soil of north-west India was formed by the weathering of basaltic lava rocks
(B) Sedimentary rocks are distinguished from other types of rocks by the presence of distinct layers
(C) Granite has large crystals of quartz, feldspar and mica in it
(D) A metamorphic rock is softer and less compact than its original type

Correct Ans: D

Que 7: Which of the following relates to the formation of the Himalayas?

(A) Folding of the earth's crust
(B) Accumulation of loess deposits
(C) Folding of the geosyncline
(D) Faulting of the earth's crust

Correct Ans: C

Que 8: Which one of the following is most prone to earthquakes?

(A) Coastal plains
(B) Old shields
(C) Plateaus
(D) Young folded mountains

Correct Ans: D

Que 9: The correct sequence of the different sections of the Himalayas in terms of their
stretch (in kilometre) in the descending order is :

(A) Punjab Him., Kumaon Him., Nepal Him., Assam Him.
(B) Nepal Him., Assam Him., Punjab Him., Kumaon Him.
(C) Kumaon, Hlm., Nepal Him., Assam Him., Punjab Him.
(D) Nepal Him., Assam Him., Kumaon Him., Punjab Him.

Correct Ans: B

Que 10: The Vindhyas belong to which class of mountains?

(A) Block mountains
(B) Fold mountains
(C) Volcanic mountains
(D) Residual mountains

Correct Ans: A

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Tags: AFCAT MCQs, upsc MCQs, cds MCQs, bank MCQs, tet MCQs, geography MCQs, MCQ Buddy MCQs, MCQs, MCQs on geography, MCQ of AFCAT , MCQs of cds, MCQs of air force, ssc MCQs, ssc CGL study material, AFCAT MCQs of geography

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