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Q.) Which of the following represents the bitwise XOR operator?
the ^ operator represent bitwise xor operation. &: bitwise and,
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Q. A line of PL/SQL text contains groups of characters known as
Q. In cluster analysis of microarray data– A node is created between the scoring pair, and the gene expressed profiles of these two genes are averaged and the joined elements are weighted by the of elements they contain.
Q. Histogram is very useful tool to describe a of the frequencydistribution of observed values of a variable
Q. If you use an ensemble of different base models, is it necessary to tune the hyper parameters of all base models to improve the ensemble performance?
Q. VDL is used to specify:
Q. Internet is constituted of .
Q. Arrange the stages in supply chain management: i. Material and Equipment Supplies ii. Delivery of Products iii. After Sale Service and Returns iv. Planning and Coordination v. Manufacturing and Testing
Q. What is the minimum number of 2 input NAND gates required to implement the function F = (x'+y') (z+w)
Q. Given a 2D matrix, find a submatrix that has the maximum sum. Which of the following methods can be used to solve this problem?
Q. The situation wherein the data of operands are not available is called
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