Mr. Dubey • 51.72K Points

Q. Network layer firewall has two sub- categories as                    

(A) state full firewall and stateless firewall
(B) bit oriented firewall and byte oriented firewall
(C) frame firewall and packet firewall
(D) network layer firewall and session layer firewall
Correct : Option (A)

 most network layer firewalls can operate as stateful or stateless firewalls, creating two subcategories of the standard network layer firewall. stateful firewalls have the advantage of being able to track packets over a period of time for greater analysis and accuracy — but they require more memory and operate more slowly. stateless firewalls do not analyze past traffic and can be useful for systems where speed is more important than security, or for systems that have very specific and limited needs. for example, a computer that only needs to connect to a particular backup server does not need the extra security of a stateful firewall.



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