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Q.) tags needs an external source to wake up the battery.
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Q. The operating system maintains a table that keeps track of how many frames have been allocated, how many are there, and how many are available.
Q. The arrays involved in a jagged array_____________.
Q. Perl stands for
Q. If the Computer is purchased on 11th May, 2018 then at what rate depreciation will be provided on it?
Q. To establish scalability for the analysis of huge research data, CERN uses LSF i.e. a grid and workload management solution of cloud computing platform
Q. Which of the following are real world applications of the SVM?
Q. The test materials for a usability test should include:
Q. Which of the following commands is used to rename a file?
Q. ODBC stands for ______
Q. A vertical spring-mass system has a mass of 0.5 kg and an initial deflection of 0.2 cm. Find the spring stiffness.
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