Design of Masonry Structures MCQs | Page - 1
Dear candidates you will find MCQ questions of Design of Masonry Structures here. Learn these questions and prepare yourself for coming examinations and interviews. You can check the right answer of any question by clicking on any option or by clicking view answer button.
Q. Rich cement mortars are more liable to cracking as compared to lean mortars because rich mortars have
Q. In a cavity wall, both leaves of which are load bearing, the effective thickness is taken as
Q. For earthquake resistant masonry buildings, the vertical distance between openings one above the other in a load bearing wall shall not be less than
Q. The mode of failure of a very short masonry member having h/t ratio of less than 4 is by
Q. The basic stress in masonry units having height to width ratio of 1.5 may be increased by a factor of
Q. The timber floor not spanning on the masonry wall but properly anchored to the wall gives
Q. A free standing brick wall 20 cm thick is subjected to a wind pressure of 75kg/m². The maximum height of wall from stability consideration is
Q. If is the height of wall between centers of supports, then the effective height of wall where concrete floors have a bearing on wall irrespective of the direction of span will be
Q. For designing masonry components of a structure, seismic forces provision in the design calculation is not necessary for buildings constructed in
Q. A 200 mm thick wall made of modular bricks is 5 m long between cross walls and 3.8 m clear height between RCC slabs at top and bottom. The slenderness ratio of the wall is
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