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Dynamics of Machines MCQs | Page - 1
Dear candidates you will find MCQ questions of Dynamics of Machines here. Learn these questions and prepare yourself for coming examinations and interviews. You can check the right answer of any question by clicking on any option or by clicking view answer button.
Q. 1) For a 4 cylinder engine, when the pressure inside the cylinders exceeds the atmospheric pressure then.
Q. 2) In a punching press, which of the following quantity is constant?
Q. 3) In a punching press, load is 0 at the time of punching.
Q. 4) The maximum shear force required for punching depends on
Q. 5) A machine punching 38 mm holes in 32 mm thick plate requires 7 N-m of energy per sq. mm of sheared area, find the maximum shear force required.
Q. 6) The relation between stroke punch s and radius of crank r is
Q. 7) If the stroke punch is 100mm, find the radius of the crank in mm.
Q. 8) Energy during actual punching operation is same as the energy supplied by the motor.
Q. 9) The balance energy required for punching is supplied by the flywheel by
Q. 10) When the length of the connecting rod is unknown then the value (θ2 –θ1)/2π is equal to
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Dynamics of Machines MCQs Set 1
Dynamics of Machines MCQs Set 2
Dynamics of Machines MCQs Set 3
Dynamics of Machines MCQs Set 4
Dynamics of Machines MCQs Set 5
Dynamics of Machines MCQs Set 6
Dynamics of Machines MCQs Set 7
Dynamics of Machines MCQs Set 8
Dynamics of Machines MCQs Set 9
Dynamics of Machines MCQs Set 10
Dynamics of Machines MCQs Set 11
Dynamics of Machines MCQs Set 12
Dynamics of Machines MCQs Set 13
Dynamics of Machines MCQs Set 14
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