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Dear candidates you will find MCQ questions of Power Electronics here. Learn these questions and prepare yourself for coming examinations and interviews. You can check the right answer of any question by clicking on any option or by clicking view answer button.


Mr. Dubey • 51.47K Points

Q. 11) Voltage commutation circuit can be converted into a current commutation by interchanging the positions of

(A) Diode and capacitor
(B) Capacitor and SCR
(C) Inductor and capacitor
(D) Capacitor and load
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Mr. Dubey • 51.47K Points

Q. 12) During the commutation period in 3 phase converter, overlap time is

(A) Dependent on the load current
(B) Dependent on the voltage
(C) Dependent on both the load current and load voltage behind the short circuit current
(D) Independent on both the load current and load voltage
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Mr. Dubey • 51.47K Points

Q. 13) In a three phase converter, the number of notches per cycle is

(A) One
(B) Three
(C) Six
(D) Nine
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Mr. Dubey • 51.47K Points

Q. 14) Unipolar modulation is generally used in

(A) AC - AC converters
(B) AC - DC converters
(C) DC - AC converters
(D) DC - DC converters
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Mr. Dubey • 51.47K Points

Q. 15) Very large values of modulation index (greater than 3.24) lead to

(A) Square AC output voltage
(B) Sine AC output voltage
(C) Triangular AC output voltage
(D) Trapezoidal AC output voltage
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Mr. Dubey • 51.47K Points

Q. 16) With increase in firing angle

(A) Both harmonic distortion and quality of input current increases
(B) Harmonic distortion increases and quality of input current decreases
(C) Harmonic distortion decreases and quality of input current increases
(D) Both harmonic distortion and quality of input current decreases
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Mr. Dubey • 51.47K Points

Q. 17) The advantage of using free - wheeling diode in half controlled bridge converter is that

(A) There is always a path for the dc current independent of the ac line
(B) There is always a path for the ac current independent of the ac line
(C) There is always a path for the dc current dependent of the ac line
(D) There is always a path for the ac current independent of the ac line
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Mr. Dubey • 51.47K Points

Q. 18) The input current waveform of a bridge controlled rectifier when the load is perfectly filtered is

(A) Sine wave
(B) Square wave
(C) Saw - tooth wave
(D) Trapezoidal wave
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Mr. Dubey • 51.47K Points

Q. 19) A full wave rectifier with resistive load produces

(A) Second harmonic
(B) Third harmonic
(C) Fifth harmonic
(D) Do not produce harmonics
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Mr. Dubey • 51.47K Points

Q. 20) If all the SCR’s of 3 phase PAC is replaced by diodes, they would be triggered

(A) 120 degree after the zero crossing of the corresponding line voltages
(B) 60 degree after the zero crossing of the corresponding line voltages
(C) 120 degree before the zero crossing of the corresponding line voltages
(D) 60 degree before the zero crossing of the corresponding line voltages
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