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Jatin Dubey • 3.78K Points

Q. Which of the following identifiers associated with a process that determines its privilege level?

(A) uid
(B) suid
(C) euid
(D) gid
Explanation by: Jatin Dubey
Each process has three IDs: RUID(real user ID), EUID(effective user ID) and SUID(saved user ID). The idea is that a process can temporarily acquire privileges, then give them up when it no longer needs them, and get them back when it needs them again. There is a similar mechanism for groups, with RGID(real group ID), EGID(effective user ID), SGID(saved group ID) and additional groups.
A program that needs to perform certain actions with root privileges normally runs with its EUID, but it calls the seteuid() method to set its EUID to 0 before performing the action requiring privileges.

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