Home / Programming MCQs / Microsoft Excel MCQs / Question


Indresh Gehalot • 9.91K Points
Tutor III

Q. Auto Calculate will quickly add selected cells if you ....... ?

(A) right click on the status bar and select Sum
(B) click the AutoCalculate button on the toolbar
(C) use the key combination Ctrl+$
(D) Double click the selection
Explanation by: Indresh Gehalot
Auto Calculate will quickly add selected cells if you option (2) click the AutoCalculate button on the toolbar. In Excel, the AutoCalculate feature allows you to quickly perform basic calculations on a selected range of cells without entering a formula. The AutoCalculate button is located on the toolbar, typically in the status bar area. By selecting the cells you want to add and then clicking the AutoCalculate button, Excel will automatically display the sum of the selected cells in the status bar.

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