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Mr. Dubey • 51.17K Points
Coach Reasoning

(A) Wednesday noon
(B) Sunday 2PM
(C) Monday noon
(D) Tuesday 2PM
Correct Answer - Option(D)
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At noon on Sunday watch gains 2 Minutes.
And at 2PM on following Sunday it is 4 Minutes 48 Seconds fast.
So, it gains 6 Minutes 48 Seconds i.e. 2 Minutes + 4 Minutes 48 Seconds (total 408 Seconds) in 170 Hours (Hours from Sunday Noon (12PM) to following Sunday 2PM)
Therefore, watch gains 120 Seconds (2 Minutes) in 170*120/408 = 50 Hours
50 Hours = 2 Days 2 Hours
Thus, Watch was correct after 2 days 2 hours from Sunday noon that is Tuesday 2PM.

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