Quiz on Biology Set 188

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Quiz on Biology Set 188 :

Question 1 :

In which organ of the body is the red blood corpuscle made ?
A. Liver
B. Bone marrow
C. Kidneys
D. Heart

Correct Ans: Option B

Question 2 :

The edible potato is the modified form of which part of the plant ?
A. Roots
B. Stem
C. Flower
D. None of these

Correct Ans: Option B

Question 3 :

Why does a foul smell emanate from some ponds, tanks, etc. ?
A. Pesticides and other organic chemicals reach the water body and kill off fishes, etc., living therein, causing the foul smell
B. Fertilizers used in farming reach the water body and give rise to excessive growth of aqueous plants. When these plants die, excessive quantities of organic matter are collected, depleting dissolved oxygen and causing foul smell
C. Household wastes contain small quantities of mercury, cadmium, copper, zinc, etc., which pollute the water bodies, causing the death of fishes and other aquatic organisms and leading to foul smell
D. None of the above

Correct Ans: Option B

Question 4 :

Which one of the following is the largest recognised constellation?
A. Hydra
B. Dorado
C. Antila
D. Crux

Correct Ans: Option A

Question 5 :

Statement: The human body produces Vitamin D when exposed to sunlight.

Assumption I: The human body will have Vitamin D even if it is not consumed via food.
Assumption II: A large portion of the global population suffers from Vitamin D deficiency.
A. Both I and II are implicit
B. Only assumption II is implicit
C. Neither I nor II is implicit
D. Only assumption I is implicit

Correct Ans: Option D

Question 6 :

Of the following rapeseed belongs to
A. Mustard
B. Coffee
C. Papper
D. Linseed

Correct Ans: Option A

Question 7 :

Which of the following is the primary purpose of the DSM?
A. Understanding the causes of mental disorders
B. Placement of mental disorders in appropriate cultural context
C. Diagnosis of mental disorders
D. Selection of appropriate psychological therapies for mental disorders

Correct Ans: Option C

Question 8 :

What is the principle carbohydrate of milk?
A. Fructose
B. Sucrose
C. Lactose
D. Galactose

Correct Ans: Option C

Question 9 :

Drowsiness affects your senses especially your
A. vision
B. hear
C. smell
D. taste

Correct Ans: Option A

Question 10 :

A chain of islands closely scattered in a body of water is called
A. Strait
B. Archipelago
C. Canyon
D. Reef

Correct Ans: Option B

Quiz Summary

Here the correct answers of every question in this quiz.

Q.1 [B],     Q.2 [B],     Q.3 [B],     Q.4 [A],     Q.5 [D],     Q.6 [A],     Q.7 [C],     Q.8 [C],     Q.9 [A],     Q.10 [B],    

Total Questions: 10
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Subject: Biology
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