Quiz on History Set 734

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Quiz on History Set 734 :

Question 1 :

Which is generally not true of sea warfare during World War I?
A. Submarines and mines were a cheap and effective way to threaten battleships
B. Convoys eventually proved to be the most effective defense against submarines
C. The British navy dominated the world’s oceans through its aggressive use of submarine warfare
D. Great sea battles between surface ships were relatively rare during the war

Correct Ans: Option C

Question 2 :

Why did Britain need control of the Dardanelles?
A. To open shipping routes with Russia
B. To gain access to the Persian Gulf
C. To cut off German naval bases in the Black Sea
D. To prevent Russian ships from entering the Baltic Sea

Correct Ans: Option A

Question 3 :

Which was a political result of Britain’s invasion of Gallipoli?
A. Winston Churchill was elected prime minister
B. The Royal Air Force was formally established
C. Australia and New Zealand refused any further participation in the war
D. A major shakeup in the leadership of the Royal Navy ensued

Correct Ans: Option D

Question 4 :

What was the initial purpose of Britain’s invasion of Mesopotamia?
A. To open shipping routes on the Tigris and Euphrates rivers
B. To liberate Kuwait
C. To seize oil fields along the Persian Gulf
D. To capture Tehran

Correct Ans: Option C

Question 5 :

Which best describes the outcome of Townshend’s campaign in Mesopotamia?
A. Ten thousand British troops were surrendered after a failed march on Baghdad
B. Townshend’s army took 100,000 Turkish prisoners of war in a single day
C. The Ottoman Empire lost control of the entire region
D. Constantinople was cut off from the Turkish mainland

Correct Ans: Option A

Question 6 :

How is the western front in World War I best characterized?
A. A stagnant war fought from trenches, with neither side gaining or losing much ground in spite of huge casualties
B. One of the most dynamic front lines of the twentieth century
C. The first war front in history dominated by air power
D. A mostly inactive front, along which both sides took a primarily defensive stance, resulting in relatively few casualties

Correct Ans: Option A

Question 7 :

Italy’s action in the war was primarily against
A. Germany
B. Greece
C. Austria-Hungary
D. France

Correct Ans: Option C

Question 8 :

When did Romania join World War 1?
A. 1914
B. 1915
C. 1916
D. None of these

Correct Ans: Option C

Question 9 :

Who was France’s leader during World War I?
A. John J. Pershing
B. Georges Clemenceau
C. Lloyd George
D. None of these

Correct Ans: Option B

Question 10 :

Who was the commander of U.S. forces in Europe during the World War I?
A. Czar Nicholas
B. Kaiser Wilhelm II
C. John J. Pershing
D. None of these

Correct Ans: Option C

Quiz Summary

Here the correct answers of every question in this quiz.

Q.1 [C],     Q.2 [A],     Q.3 [D],     Q.4 [C],     Q.5 [A],     Q.6 [A],     Q.7 [C],     Q.8 [C],     Q.9 [B],     Q.10 [C],    

Total Questions: 10
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Subject: History
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