Quiz on Math Set 205

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Quiz on Math Set 205 :

Question 1 :

X alone can complete a piece of work in 40 days. He worked for 8 days and left. Y alone completed the remaining work in 16 days. How long would X and Y together take to complete the work ?
A. 14 days
B. 15 days
C. 16 2/3 days
D. 13 1/3 days

Correct Ans: Option D

Question 2 :

8 men can do a work in 12 days. After 6 days of work, 4 more men were engaged to finish the work. In how many days would the remaining work be completed?
A. 3
B. 4
C. 5
D. 2

Correct Ans: Option B

Question 3 :

40 men can complete a work in 40 days. They started the work together. But at the end of each 10th day, 5 men left the job. The work would have been completed in
A. 53 1/3 days
B. 52 days
C. 50 days
D. 56 2/3 days

Correct Ans: Option D

Question 4 :

A and B can do a piece of work in 28 and 35 days respectively. They began to work together but A leaves after sometime and B completed remaining work in 17 days. After how many days did A leave ?
A. 9 days
B. 8 days
C. 7 5/9 days
D. 14 2/5 days

Correct Ans: Option B

Question 5 :

A man and a boy can complete a work together in 24 days. If for the last six days man alone does the work then it is completed in 26 days. How long the boy will take to complete the work alone ?
A. 20 days
B. 24 days
C. 36 days
D. 72 days

Correct Ans: Option D

Question 6 :

A can complete a piece of work in 18 days, B in 20 days and C in 30 days. B and C together start the work and are forced to leave after 2 days. The time taken by A alone to complete the remaining work is
A. 12 days
B. 15 days
C. 16 days
D. 10 days

Correct Ans: Option B

Question 7 :

A starts business with Rs. 3500 and after 5 months, B joins with A as his partner. After a year, the profit is divided in the ratio 2 : 3. What is B's contribution in the capital? 
A. Rs. 7500
B. Rs. 8000
C. Rs. 8500
D. Rs. 9000

Correct Ans: Option D

Question 8 :

A and B entered into partnership with capitals in the ratio 4 : 5. After 3 months, A withdrew 1/4 of his capital and B withdrew 1/5 of his capital. The gain at the end of 10 months was Rs. 760. A's share in this profit is: 
A. Rs. 330
B. Rs. 360
C. Rs. 380
D. Rs. 430

Correct Ans: Option A

Question 9 :

A and B started a partnership business investing some amount in the ratio of 3 : 5. C joined then after six months with an amount equal to that of B. In what proportion should the profit at the end of one year be distributed among A, B and C? 
A. 3 : 5 : 2
B. 3 : 5 : 5
C. 6 : 10 : 5
D. Data inadequate

Correct Ans: Option C

Question 10 :

A, B, C rent a pasture. A puts 10 oxen for 7 months, B puts 12 oxen for 5 months and C puts 15 oxen for 3 months for grazing. If the rent of the pasture is Rs. 175, how much must C pay as his share of rent?
A. Rs. 45
B. Rs. 50
C. Rs. 55
D. Rs. 60

Correct Ans: Option A

Quiz Summary

Here the correct answers of every question in this quiz.

Q.1 [D],     Q.2 [B],     Q.3 [D],     Q.4 [B],     Q.5 [D],     Q.6 [B],     Q.7 [D],     Q.8 [A],     Q.9 [C],     Q.10 [A],    

Total Questions: 10
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Subject: Math
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