Quiz on Math Set 79

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Quiz on Math Set 79 :

Question 1 :

The number of oranges in three basket are in the ratio 3 : 4 : 5. In which ratio the no. of oranges in first two basket must be increased so that the new ratio becomes 5 : 4 : 3 ? 
A. 3 : 4
B. 2 : 3
C. 1 : 3
D. 2 : 1

Correct Ans: Option D

Question 2 :

At a casino in Mumbai, there are 3 tables A, B and C. The payoffs at A is 10 : 1, at B is 20 : 1 and C is 30 :1. If a man bets Rs. 200 at each table and win at two of the tables, what is the maximum and minimum difference between his earnings can be ?
A. Rs. 4000
B. Rs. 4500
C. Rs. 2500
D. Rs. 2000

Correct Ans: Option A

Question 3 :

A track covers a distance of 550 metres in 1 minute whereas a bus covers a distance of 33 kms in 45 minute. The ratio of their speeds is:
A. 4 : 3
B. 3 : 5
C. 3 : 4
D. 50 : 3

Correct Ans: Option C

Question 4 :

The present ages of three persons in proportions 4 : 7 : 9. Eight years ago, the sum of their ages was 56. Find their present ages (in years). 
A. 8, 20, 28
B. 16, 28, 36
C. 20, 35, 45
D. None of these

Correct Ans: Option B

Question 5 :

Ayesha's father was 38 years of age when she was born while her mother was 36 years old when her brother four years younger to her was born. What is the difference between the ages of her parents? 
A. 2 years
B. 4 years
C. 6 years
D. 8 years

Correct Ans: Option C

Question 6 :

A person's present age is two-fifth of the age of his mother. After 8 years, he will be one-half of the age of his mother. How old is the mother at present? 
A. 32 years
B. 36 years
C. 40 years
D. 48 years

Correct Ans: Option C

Question 7 :

Q is as much younger than R as he is older than T. If the sum of the ages of R and T is 50 years, what is definitely the difference between R and Q's age?
A. 1 year
B. 2 years
C. 25 years
D. Data inadequate

Correct Ans: Option D

Question 8 :

The age of father 10 years ago was thrice the age of his son. Ten years hence, father's age will be twice that of his son. The ratio of their present ages is:
A. 5 : 2
B. 7 : 3
C. 9 : 2
D. 13 : 4

Correct Ans: Option B

Question 9 :

The ages of Nitish and Vinnee are in the ratio 6 : 5 respectively. After 9 years the ratio of their ages will be 9 : 8. What is the difference in their ages now ?
A. 3 Years
B. 5 Years
C. 7 Years
D. 9 Years

Correct Ans: Option A

Question 10 :

The ages of Shakti and Kanti are in the ratio of 8 : 7 respectively. After 10 years, the ratio of their ages will be 13 : 12. What is the difference between their ages ?
A. 2 Years
B. 4 Years
C. 8 Years
D. 6 Years

Correct Ans: Option A

Quiz Summary

Here the correct answers of every question in this quiz.

Q.1 [D],     Q.2 [A],     Q.3 [C],     Q.4 [B],     Q.5 [C],     Q.6 [C],     Q.7 [D],     Q.8 [B],     Q.9 [A],     Q.10 [A],    

Total Questions: 10
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Subject: Math
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