Quiz on Physics Set 161

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Quiz on Physics Set 161 :

Question 1 :

Two bulbs of 100W and 60W are operating on 220 V line. The ratio of their resistance is
A. 9:25
B. 3:5
C. 25:9
D. 5:3

Correct Ans: Option B

Question 2 :

The important unit of a microprocessor is
A. control unit
B. array of registers
D. All of the above

Correct Ans: Option D

Question 3 :

Which among the given property of sound is affected by change in air temperature
A. Intensity
B. Wavelength
C. Frequency
D. Amplitude

Correct Ans: Option B

Question 4 :

The Leaning Tower of Pisa does not fall because
A. Its centre of gravity remains at the lowest position
B. It is tapered at the top
C. It covers a large base area
D. The vertical line through the centre of gravity of the tower falls within its base

Correct Ans: Option D

Question 5 :

How far away from the surface of the Earth does the acceleration due to gravity become ½ of its value at the surface of Earth? It is at a
A. Distance equal to 0.414 times the radius
B. Distance equal to twice the radius
C. Distance equal to half the radius
D. Distance equal to radius

Correct Ans: Option A

Question 6 :

Consider the following statements with reference to the periodic table of chemical elements.
1. Ionisation potential gradually decreases along a period. 
2. In a group of elements, electron affinity decreases as the atomic weight increases. 
3. In a given period, electro negativity decrease as the atomic number increases. 
Which of these statement(s) is/are right?
A. Only 2
B. 1 and 3
C. 2 and 3
D. Only 1

Correct Ans: Option A

Question 7 :

Rainbows are produced when sunlight:
A. Incident on raindrops hanging in the atmosphere is dispresed after suffering reflection
B. Incident on rain drops hanging in the atmosphere is dispersed after suffering refraction
C. Incident on rain drops hanging in the atmosphere is dispersed after suffering refraction & internal reflection.
D. None of the given statements is correct.

Correct Ans: Option C

Question 8 :

Persons suffering from myopia are advised to use
A. plano-concave lens
B. plano-convex lens
C. concave lens
D. convex lens

Correct Ans: Option C

Question 9 :

When a vibrating tuning fork is placed on a table, a loud sound is heard. This is due to:
A. forced vibrations
B. reflection
C. refraction
D. damped vibrations

Correct Ans: Option A

Question 10 :

Stationary wave is formed by
A. two waves of same frequency travelling in the same direction
B. two waves of same frequency travelling in the opposite direction
C. a transverse wave superposing a longitudinal wave
D. two waves of the same speed superposing

Correct Ans: Option B

Quiz Summary

Here the correct answers of every question in this quiz.

Q.1 [B],     Q.2 [D],     Q.3 [B],     Q.4 [D],     Q.5 [A],     Q.6 [A],     Q.7 [C],     Q.8 [C],     Q.9 [A],     Q.10 [B],    

Total Questions: 10
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Subject: Physics
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