Quiz on Physics Set 170

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Quiz on Physics Set 170 :

Question 1 :

  A photo-electric cell converts
A. light energy to electrical energy
B. mechanical energy to electric energy
C. heat energy to mechanical energy
D. light energy to chemical energy

Correct Ans: Option A

Question 2 :

Consider the following phenomena 
1. Size of the Sun at dusk. 
2. Colour of the Sun at dawn.
3. Moon being visible at dawn. 
4. Twinkle of stars in the sky. 
5. Polestar being visible in the sky. Which of the above are optical illusions?
A. 2, 3 and 5
B. 1, 2 and 4
C. 1, 2 and 3
D. 3, 4 and 5

Correct Ans: Option B

Question 3 :

Convex mirrors are used as a rear view mirror in motor cycles as
A. it forms real image
B. it forms smaller image as compared with object
C. it forms erect (upright) image
D. All of the above

Correct Ans: Option B

Question 4 :

A bullet of mass 'm' & velocity 'a' is fired in to a big block of wood of mass 'M'. The final velocity of the system is
A. m m M+ a
B. m M M + a
C. M m M+ a
D. m M m + a

Correct Ans: Option A

Question 5 :

Sound is heard over longer distances on rainy days as
A. moist air absorbs sound
B. moist air does not absorb sound
C. sound travels slowly in moist air
D. sound travels faster in moist air

Correct Ans: Option D

Question 6 :

A force of 12 N is applied to two packing cases on a frictionless horizontal surface as shown in figure. The force that each case exerts on the other is
A. Zero
B. 8 N
C. 4 N
D. 6 N

Correct Ans: Option C

Question 7 :

A metal plate with a circular hole at the centre is heated. What will happen to the area of the hole
A. Increase
B. Will increase 1st and then dacrease
C. Dacrease
D. Remain constant

Correct Ans: Option A

Question 8 :

Which among the given is used to split white light into different colours
A. Glass slab
B. Convex lens
C. Prism
D. Concave lens

Correct Ans: Option C

Question 9 :

In a fusion reaction,
A. Four hydrogen nuclei unit to form one helium nucleus and energy is released
B. The nucleus splits up into two fragments and energy is absorbed
C. Four hydrogen nuclei unit to form one helium nucleus and energy is absorbed
D. The nucleus splits up into two fragments and energy is released

Correct Ans: Option A

Question 10 :

The waveform of a certain signal can be studied by
A. p-n junction diode
B. Spectrometer
C. Cathode ray oscilloscope
D. Sonometer

Correct Ans: Option D

Quiz Summary

Here the correct answers of every question in this quiz.

Q.1 [A],     Q.2 [B],     Q.3 [B],     Q.4 [A],     Q.5 [D],     Q.6 [C],     Q.7 [A],     Q.8 [C],     Q.9 [A],     Q.10 [D],    

Total Questions: 10
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Subject: Physics
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