Quiz on Reasoning Set 521

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Quiz on Reasoning Set 521 :

Question 1 :

C L R T B Q S M A P D I  N F J K G Y X

Four of the following  five are alike in a certain way and so form group. Which is the one that does not belong to the group?

1. LBT     2.IJF    3. PID    4. BMS

Correct Ans: Option D

Question 2 :

Find out the wrong number in the given sequence of numbers.
52, 51, 48, 43, 34, 27, 16
A. 27
B. 34
C. 43
D. 48

Correct Ans: Option B

Question 3 :

A man starts from a point, walks 15 metres towards East, turns left and walks 10 metres, turns right again and walks. Towards which direction is he now walking?
A. North
B. East
C. West
D. South

Correct Ans: Option B

Question 4 :

A girl leaves from her home. She first walks 30 m in North–West direction and then 30 m in South– West direction. Next, she walks 30 m in South–East direction. Finally, she turns towards her house. In which direction is she moving?
A. North–West
B. South–East
C. South–West
D. North–East

Correct Ans: Option D

Question 5 :

‘X’ is in the East of ‘Y’ which is in the North of ‘Z’. If ‘P’ is the East of ‘Z’ then in which direction of ‘X’, is ‘P’:
A. South-West
B. South-East
C. South
D. West

Correct Ans: Option C

Question 6 :

A man starts for his office in the North direction. He turns to his left, and then to his right, and again to his right. In which direction will he be facing?
A. South
B. West
C. East
D. North

Correct Ans: Option C

Question 7 :

A man starts his journey facing the sun early morning. He then turns right and walks 2 km. He then walks 3 km after turning right again. Which is the direction he is facing now? 
A. North-East
B. North
C. West
D. South

Correct Ans: Option C

Question 8 :

Rimpy on the way to her school starts walking from her home toward south. After walking 15 meters she turns towards north. After walking 20 meters, she turn towards east and walks 10 meters. She then turns towards south and walks 5 meters. How for is she from his original position and in which direction
A. 10 meters, East
B. 10 meters, South-East
C. 10 meters, West
D. 10 meters, North-east

Correct Ans: Option A

Question 9 :

An ant movers 10 cm towards east and turns to the right hand moves 3 cm. Then it moves to its right and moved 3 cm. It then turns to his left and moves 2 cm. Finally it turns to his right and travel's 7 cm. how for and in which direction it is now from the starting point?
A. 10 cm, East
B. 9 cm, North
C. 8 cm, West
D. 5 cm, West

Correct Ans: Option D

Question 10 :

Rimpy,on her morning walk, starting from home she walks to the North for 250 m, then she turns to her right and travels 20 m and then she again turns to the right and drives straight another 250 m. How much distance has she now to cover to go back to her home ?
A. 25 m
B. 20 m
C. 4 m
D. 40 m

Correct Ans: Option B

Quiz Summary

Here the correct answers of every question in this quiz.

Q.1 [D],     Q.2 [B],     Q.3 [B],     Q.4 [D],     Q.5 [C],     Q.6 [C],     Q.7 [C],     Q.8 [A],     Q.9 [D],     Q.10 [B],    

Total Questions: 10
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Subject: Reasoning
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