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Data Compression and Data Retrieval MCQs | Page - 1
Dear candidates you will find MCQ questions of Data Compression and Data Retrieval here. Learn these questions and prepare yourself for coming examinations and interviews. You can check the right answer of any question by clicking on any option or by clicking view answer button.
Q. 1) Makes the file smaller by deleting parts of the file permanently (forever)
Q. 2) Which of these is an advantage for Lossy compression?
Q. 3) Which of the following would not be suitable for Lossy Compression?
Q. 4) Lossy or lossless? This type of compression does not get rid of any data
Q. 5) Lossy or lossless? Used for web images as it gives the smallest file size - this makes images easier to upload/download/share.
Q. 6) What type of compression allows you to reconstruct the original data?
Q. 7) What are the key reasons for compressing data?
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Data Compression and Data Retrieval MCQs Set 1
Data Compression and Data Retrieval MCQs Set 2
Data Compression and Data Retrieval MCQs Set 3
Data Compression and Data Retrieval MCQs Set 4
Data Compression and Data Retrieval MCQs Set 5
Data Compression and Data Retrieval MCQs Set 6
Data Compression and Data Retrieval MCQs Set 7
Data Compression and Data Retrieval MCQs Set 8
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