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Ram Sharma • 188.81K Points

Q. Which tag is used to display a single-line text input field?

(A) <input type="textbox">
(B) <input type="checkbox">
(C) <input type="text">
(D) <input type="submit">
Explanation by: Jatin Dubey
The <input> tag specifies an input field where the user can enter data.

The <input> element is the most important form element.

The <input> element can be displayed in several ways, depending on the type attribute.

You can use input element with following attributes :

<input type="button"> for creating button
<input type="checkbox"> for check box
<input type="color"> for choosing color
<input type="date"> for date
<input type="datetime-local"> for date time local
<input type="email"> for taking email
<input type="file"> for files, images, document 
<input type="hidden"> hide element in front end
<input type="image"> for taking image
<input type="month"> for selecting month
<input type="number"> for taking number values
<input type="password"> for password 
<input type="radio"> for radio button
<input type="range"> for range 
<input type="reset"> creating button for resetting form
<input type="search"> for creating search box
<input type="submit"> button for form submit
<input type="tel">
<input type="text"> (default value)
<input type="time"> for time
<input type="url"> for url
<input type="week"> for week

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