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Dear candidates you will find MCQ questions of HTML here. Learn these questions and prepare yourself for coming examinations and interviews. You can check the right answer of any question by clicking on any option or by clicking view answer button.
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Q. State whether the given statement is true or false. !DOCTYPE is case sensitive”

(A) True
(B) False
(C) ---
(D) ---

Q. Choose the correct statement of HTML

(A) In traditional XHTML close tag for some elements is optional but not encouraged
(B) In traditional HTML close tag for some elements is optional but not encouraged
(C) In both traditional XHTML and HTML close tag for some elements is optional
(D) None of the mentioned

Q. Which of the following is not a difference between HTML and XHTML

(A) Charset in html is “text/html” where as in xhtml it is “application/xml+xhtml”
(B) Tags and attributes are case-insensitive in HTML but not in XHTML
(C) Special characters must be escaped using character entities in XHTML unlike HTML
(D) None of the mentioned

Q. What indicates the content in file is HTML when delivered on the network.

(A) The extension of the file “.html”
(B) The “content-type” header
(C) Both “.html” extension and “content-type” header
(D) None of the mentioned

Q. State whether the given statement is true or false. “We can intermix XHTML and HTML 4.01 documents”

(A) True
(B) False
(C) ---
(D) ---

Q. HTML and XHTML stands for

(A) Hyper Text Markup Language and EXtensible HyperText Markup Language
(B) Hyper Text Markup Language and EXtensible HyperText Marking Language
(C) Hyper Text Marking Language and EXtensible HyperText Marking Language
(D) None of the mentioned

Q. Choose the correct tag for largest heading in HTML.

(A) h6
(B) heading
(C) h1
(D) head

Q. Which of the following are table tags?

(A) table, thead, tr, td
(B) colspan, table, tr
(C) table, tt, tr, td
(D) none of the mentioned


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