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Microsoft Access MCQs with answers Page - 4

Dear candidates you will find MCQ questions of Microsoft Access here. Learn these questions and prepare yourself for coming examinations and interviews. You can check the right answer of any question by clicking on any option or by clicking view answer button.
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Q. The task of arranging data in order is called

(A) Sorting
(B) Ordering
(C) Shorting
(D) Searching

Q. Every table in relational database contain a field or combination of fields that can uniquely identify each records, it is called

(A) Foreign key
(B) Native key
(C) Primary key
(D) Composite key

Q. HSAM stands for ________

(A) Hierarchic Standard and Method
(B) Hierarchic Sequential and Method
(C) Hierarchic Standard Access Method
(D) Hierarchic Sequential Access Method

Q. What is an intersection of a row and a column?

(A) Record
(B) Cell
(C) Cursor
(D) Form

Q. In which order do you place the field to sort a Dynaset first by zipcode, then by lastname and then by firstname?

(A) Can’t sort by multiple fields
(B) zipcode, lastname, firstname
(C) firstname, lastname, zipcode
(D) zipcode, firstname, lastname

Q. In an application created using the database wizard, the main menu is presented as a:

(A) Query, called a menu
(B) Table, called a switchboard
(C) Report, called a menu
(D) Form, called a switchboard

Q. What is an index?

(A) A set of relationship rules that enforce defined database relationships
(B) A sort order for records, which is identified in the table design
(C) A widely recognized naming convention for database objects
(D) A wizard that creates a functional database structure based on the user\’s selections

Q. When you add fields in ________, a Field List pane displays.

(A) Report View
(B) Print Preview
(C) Layout View
(D) Design View


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