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Write a program in JavaScript to find the Area of Triangle

Filed under: JavaScript on 2023-08-06 20:41:33

Write a function that takes the base and height of a triangle and return its area.


triArea(3, 2) ➞ 3

triArea(7, 4) ➞ 14

triArea(10, 10) ➞ 50


We will make a function triArea(base, height) which will take two values as parameters


The area of a triangle is: (base * height) / 2



function triArea(base, height){

return (base * height) / 2;  //it is better to use parenthesis in complex calculations.


triArea(3, 2) //output 3

triArea(7, 4)  //output 14

triArea(10, 10)  //output 50


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