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Multilevel inheritance example in Java

Filed under: Java on 2023-09-17 06:56:32

//  Program to explain Multilevel Inheritance.

class Box 
private double width;
private double height;
private double depth;

Box(Box ob) 

 width = ob.width;
 height = ob.height;
 depth = ob.depth;

Box(double w, double h, double d) 
 width = w;
 height = h;
 depth = d;

 width = -1;
 height = -1;
 depth = -1; 

Box(double len) 
 width = height = depth = len;

double volume() 
 return width * height * depth;

class BoxWeight extends Box 
double weight;

BoxWeight(BoxWeight ob) 

 weight = ob.weight;

BoxWeight(double w, double h, double d, double m) 
 super(w, h, d); 
 weight = m;

 weight = -1;

BoxWeight(double len, double m) 
 weight = m;

class BoxCost extends BoxWeight 
double cost;

BoxCost(BoxCost ob) 

 cost = ob.cost;

BoxCost(double w, double h, double d, double m, double c) 
 super(w, h, d, m); 
 cost = c;

 cost = -1;

BoxCost(double len, double m, double c) 
 super(len, m);
 cost = c;

class  InheritanceMultilevelBox 
public static void main(String args[ ]) 
 BoxCost b1 = new BoxCost(10, 15, 20, 25.75, 50.5);
 BoxCost b2 = new BoxCost(2, 3, 4, 5.6, 10.5);
 double vol;

 vol = b1.volume();
 System.out.println("Volume of b1 is " + vol);
 System.out.println("Weight of b1 is " + b1.weight);
 System.out.println("Cost: Rs. " + b1.cost);

 vol = b2.volume();
 System.out.println("Volume of b2 is " + vol);
 System.out.println("Weight of b2 is " + b2.weight);
 System.out.println("Cost: Rs. " + b2.cost);


Volume of b1 is 3000.0
Weight of b1 is 25.75
Cost: Rs. 50.5

Volume of b2 is 24.0
Weight of b2 is 5.6
Cost: Rs. 10.5

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Shyam Dubey     View Profile
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