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Order of exception subclass and superclass in Java

Filed under: Java on 2023-09-19 06:47:05

//Program to explain that, when we use multiple catch statements, it is 
//important to remember that exception subclasses must come before any of their superclasses.

class  MultipleException
public static void main(String args[ ]) 
  int a = 0;
  int b = 10 / a;
 catch(Exception e) 
      System.out.println("Generic Exception catch.");
 catch(ArithmeticException e) 
 {  //   ERROR – unreachable code
  System.out.println("This is never reached.");

Output:|34| error| exception ArithmeticException has already  caugh
              catch(ArithmeticException e)

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Mr. Dubey     View Profile
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