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User defined exception example 2 in Java

Filed under: Java on 2023-09-19 06:50:00

//  Program to create User-defined Exception
//  for checking validity of number for Square root.

class NegativeNumberException extends Exception 
private double num;

NegativeNumberException(double n) 
 num = n;

public String toString() 
 return "Square root of " + num + " is not possible.";

class  Exception15 
static void numberRoot(double n) throws NegativeNumberException
 System.out.println("Checking Number : (" + n + ")");
 if(n < 0)
  throw new NegativeNumberException(n);
 double r = Math.sqrt(n);
 System.out.println("Square Root of " + n + " is " + r + " .");

public static void main(String args[ ]) 
 catch (NegativeNumberException e) 
  System.out.println("Caught: " + e);



Checking Number : (25.0)
Square Root of 25.0 is 5.0
Checking Number : (-5.0)
Caught: Square root of -5.0 is not possible.

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Mr. Dubey     View Profile
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