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10 Point to Make things remembered

Filed under: Tips on 2022-04-14 10:24:43
In this post I will tell you about the point on how to remember the things easily. It is a big problem for all of you that you forget learnt things after sometimes. It is because your way of learning the things is not good. So I will describe the most important points which will help you make the things remembered.

When you study something that time you feel that you have learned everything. But when you appear in the exam you missed a lot of it. It happens with you because you don’t follow the right method. So I will take you to the right way of learning things.
10 Points to Make things Remember

 I describe two things here that help in learning the things.

a)    Repetition: Repeat the information you have.
b)    Connecting the new information with the information you have.

A) Repetition is the best method of learning the things.If you have learned something today then you are supposed to repeat that material after a certain time period to refresh the things. Take an example when we use computer we always refresh it after a while. The reason behind it is to remove the unwanted caches from it and to make the computer faster. Same happens in the case of human being. When he goes for learning something. He forgets because of the caches material. So I suggest that Repetition is good way of learning things, and of making them permanent in mind.

B) Connecting the new information with the information you have already means if you gain some knowledge from one place then store this information in your mind. And if you gain some more knowledge on the same topic co relate this information with the previous information. This way you will remind both the things again. And will be able to keep them for a long time.  
Note: A healthy mind lives in healthy body.

Now I would like to tell you those 10 points here.

1.     If you are going to  learn a thing by heart, you have to study early morning because that time your mind is fully concentrated.
2.     Make time-table in such a way that all the books might be read at least once in a week.
3.     If you are feeling boringness in reading, pick up the book you are interested in.
4.    Make a short story of all the things in your mind that you are learning. 
5.    If you are learning the topic which has point, you can take the first letter of all points and then gather them all. Make a rememberable acronym. 
6.    If you are reading something. Pick up the keywords of that topic. It will help you to write even when you have forgotten all.
7.     It is most important thing to repeat whatever you study after sometime. Because only 40% of what you learned remains in first reading.
8.     If you talk about the mathematics, in that condition I would like to say you that learn the formulas as much as you can.
9.     Try to get the theme of what you are studying, this way you will be in position of 100% content.
10.    Be good listener than to be a good preacher, whatever you get from anyone just learn it.

learn the formula

Note: If you want to score good marks in Mathematics then it the most important thing that you know all the formulas. 
About Author:
Mr. Dubey     View Profile
Founder and CEO of MCQ Buddy. I just like to help others.