The major features of Java are listed below: –
- Object-oriented: – Java language is based on object-oriented programming. In this, the class and the methods describe the state and behavior of an object. The programming is done by relating a problem with the real world object.
- Portable: – the conversion of java program into Java bytecodes take place. This helps in running the program in any environment or platform without any dependency.
- Platform independent: – java ensures “write once run anywhere” as its programs can be run on multiple platforms like- Windows, Mac, Sun Solaris, Linux, etc.
- Robust: – java’s strong memory due to no pointer allocations, make it robust. The memory leaks are prohibited with the help of automatic garbage collection in java.
- Interpreted: – the java code is converted into bytecodes by the java compiler which is then interpreted and executed by the Java interpreter or a just-in-time compiler (JIT).